Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 He turned in his seat to raise his bound ankles over his girlfriend and kicked three times to free her door .
2 This is a slow launch which picks up speed and fades several times , and it is usually caused by a shortage of fuel or mechanical trouble on the winch or car .
3 Speaking at his home in Godalming , Surrey , he added : ‘ It has been a hard few months and I am now looking forward to a break and spending some time with my family . ’
4 Speaking at his home in Godalming , Surrey , he added : ‘ It has been a hard few months and I am now looking forward to a break and spending some time with my family . ’
5 It is only through a combined approach that school will be enabled to deliver all their programmes of study and make enough time to do more .
6 In his eagerness to escape the encroaching flames , he worked the action and fired three times in rapid succession .
7 Consequently some CMHC teams tend to focus on more articulate , well-organized , socially competent people in a transient state of distress and have less time for the more seriously disturbed and those with long-term disorders who are less readily engaged in treatment .
8 Eddie Heley , Maintenance Fitter , was given £10 for an idea that could reduced wear and save down time on Axminster looms by fitting hardened brushes to the sneck sleeve bracket .
9 He had a brilliant technical mind but found little time for people .
10 Sefa-Dedeh is looking at the hydration properties of legumes with the idea of developing a variety that takes less time .
11 The hon. Gentleman will appreciate that it would not be the first inspector 's decision that took some time to see the light of day once it had been referred to a Department .
12 If you do this you are unlikely to face the problem of forgetting about work and having inadequate time to do an assignment justice .
13 Eventually he had to make a choice between management and working full time in front of the cameras — so he resigned at Villa .
14 He introduced the Deer Act and spoke seventy-seven times during the Wildlife and Countryside Bill ( ‘ I can not understand why anyone should want to shoot a curlew .
15 Hold each squeeze for 1 second and repeat 20 times .
16 Hold each contraction for 1 second and repeat 20 times .
17 In contrast , however , the Cleveland Report is particularly sensitive to such issues in relation to sexual abuse and spends considerable time trying to weigh the often conflicting evidence it received on identification and assessment , particularly in terms of the reflex anal dilatation test .
18 At the weekend she had visited her parents ' home and spent some time with her sister , Jennifer , but she had found that she had been unable to tell them about David Markham .
19 The system can be set up experimentally by measuring the time taken to attain each speed level and minimising this time by adjusting the previous speed level ; the time taken to reach stepping rate f2 is measured and the value off , adjusted until this time is a minimum , then continue by adjusting f1 while measuring the time to reach f3 etc .
20 Sitting crossed legged place the beach ball between your elbows at shoulder level and squeeze 20 times .
21 His plan for that was to go into the restaurant car park and allow enough time for the other car to clear the fuel service area , then fill his own tank and give chase .
22 Working mothers are faced with two choices : follow the male career route and spend little time with their children or sacrifice their prospects , knowing that working part time means low status and low wages .
23 Women must either follow the male career route and spend little time with their children , or drop out for the vital middle years that filter out the top managers .
24 There are one or two awards that not everyone would bust a gut to win , but IBM Corp 's Personal Software Products unit is proud to announce that the OS/2 2.0 operating system has been awarded the Computer Language Jolt Cola Award for Product Excellence : we 're advised that Jolt is the cola that has five times the sugar and twice the caffeine of regular cola — and the connection with computers ?
25 WHAT do the following have in common : a machine that can write the Bible on a pinhead ; a single-lens microscope that magnifies 1000 times ; a barometer that measures the difference in atmospheric pressure across the thickness of a book ; a 15-cm ( 6-inch ) telescope that fits into a jacket pocket ; and the first bicycle crossing of the uninhabited central region of Iceland ?
26 Dall has made a single lens microscope that magnifies 1000 times , but he considers the image too faint to be of practical use .
27 Given the significance of regular heroin use , the psychological and physical dependency often associated with the drug , and the all-embracing nature of the lifestyle usually required to secure funds and supplies , users tend to live from moment to moment and find little time for reflecting upon their situation .
28 He had lost his job and spent some time in bail hostels in Darlington and Northallerton .
29 cash and carry next time .
30 Since early days , the castle has been laid waste and rebuilt many times before being inherited by the great benefactress , Lady Anne Clifford , who restored it in 1660 .
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