Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [noun] had the " in BNC.

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1 He did not see her at all as he got out of the car and Jenna had the chance to observe him without the dark eyes pinning her quizzically .
2 The night it was announced in Variety that Hoffman had the role , Nicholson swore violently and went out and got drunk .
3 But perhaps above all it was that his candidature was unreservedly supported by Tawney , who knew him well , which convinced the appointing committee that Jacques had the background experience , commitment and personal qualities required by the District at a particularly difficult point in its existence .
4 Exchange control was introduced in 1930 and has been in force ever since , but subject to the provisions of exchange control it was a basic tenet of pre-communist Hungarian law that foreigners had the same rights as Hungarians in all respects ( but for some professions and performing public functions Hungarian citizenship was necessary ) .
5 Now just imagine the outcry if Council had the power to close down every organisation , stop funding every organisation that criticised it and reviewed its actions .
6 The idea of a God-given nature and destiny had the corollary that nothing so essentially predetermined could or should ever change .
7 Roads were turned to mud by days of rain and Fiorio had the additional hardship of a bubbling radiator to contend with .
8 Mrs Watts sat in a deep chair in a dark corner of the room but Hari had the impression that the woman was like a cat sleeping with one eye open , watching everything that went on .
9 The gist of it was summed up in the formula cuius regio , eius religio which meant that each king or prince had the right to choose the religion of his subjects .
10 Alexandra Mutch , of Barnston Road , Thingwall , whose husband was the manager of the ADS team , told the court that Newton had the ball when Mr Hallam knocked his legs from under him .
11 He did n't appear to have seen her in the water and Rachel had the advantage of watching him unobserved as he strolled along the poolside , a towel slung around his neck .
12 I guess i have to start watching these games again sometime soon — have nt seen them for years — i could relive the period — watching the games and sending out match reports to rec.sport.soccer the day after — 4 years after the events took place — sort of a madmans project i guess … but could have been — really — fun if i had the time ( ie no work & no wife/kid … )
13 He did not even notice when one of his class became stuck in the hole in the floorboards and was there all day until Endill had the idea of smearing him with butter to slide him out .
14 Cook emulated his fellow Scots by hitting the crossbar but McLean had the final say , so to speak .
15 I had a theory that Hawaiians had the same kind of relationship with the sea as the Australian aborigines had with the land .
16 Sella and Mesnel had the midfield defence far too well organised .
17 In family 1 , the mother , father , and child all had an identical strain ; in family 2 , father and son had a similar related strain ; father and mother had the same strain in family 3 ; and all strains were unique in family 4 .
18 In some cases Christian names were adapted , possibly where father and son had the same Christian name , these then tending to be used in the same way as nicknames .
19 Clear signs of public impatience with such political manoeuvres were emerging , however , as the canvassing of support by government and opposition had the effect of weakening party allegiance and increasing the level of corruption endemic within the country 's political system .
20 There were times when the writers ' arrogance or pomposity had the opposite of the intended effect of taking the often hapless victim down a peg or three .
21 First , the boards and the Committee for Science and Technology had the problem of deciding ‘ how far a subject was ‘ degree worthy ’ , because new subjects started springing up like grass in a corn field ’ :
22 He fired the jack into the ditch and Essex had the best back bowl to take a single and win the match although , after a tremendous start , it should never have been so close .
23 On Thursday , 10th December your scribe and spouse had the honour to represent the Village at the ‘ Island in Bloom ’ awards ceremony at the Palace Hotel .
24 It was going to take Le Roux time to resolve the legal issues and to raise the £8 million , so to prevent the deal slipping away , he came up with what seemed like a clever wheeze at the time : Norton chairman Jimmy Tildesley would buy FUS personally , and ‘ warehouse ’ the company until Norton had the funds to buy it from him .
25 Margaret had been seeing him for nearly a year and Maura had the feeling that they were going to get married .
26 Leeds began as if their miserable Anfield record was no more than a myth and Liverpool had the indignity of being pinned in their penalty area in front of an affronted Kop .
27 But of course when Mum had the stroke someone had to look after her .
28 Before either her mother or Lydia had the opportunity for a quiet chat with Martha , the even tenor of life in the kitchen was disrupted the following day , by the arrival of Tamar .
29 Following reports in Manchester that the firm had confirmed to Edwards 's satisfaction that Knighton had the £10m to buy his stake and a further £10m to make a formal offer for the rest of the shares , Laing & Cruickshank said : ‘ It is completely untrue that we have given an assurance to anyone .
30 They were out at work often till late evening , but gave us the run of the house and William had the chance to get on with some schoolwork .
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