Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] she have be " in BNC.

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1 He watched her until she left the window , then he watched the window where she 'd been , but he wearied of that finally , and of the chill in his feet .
2 Until a moment ago she 'd been ravenously hungry , but now she was certain the salad would be dust and ashes in her mouth .
3 When , she thought , had there ever been a moment when she had been unsure that she disliked him ?
4 ‘ That was my friend , Estelle , ’ Margrida said , coming out from the drawing-room where she had been answering the telephone .
5 He asked her about the place so much like the valley , the place where she 'd been born .
6 It was just a place where she had been left , and as she grew out of infancy she knew that it was her mother who had left her there .
7 As the years passed , the sights and sounds became less alarming in her memory and she came to think of Italy as the place where she had been happy .
8 Gertrude Joyce , at least , found it hard to accept that she was a foreigner in the town where she had been born and she had lived until she was over twenty-five years old .
9 Daisy Mules told the rally how she had been on a Dublin student contingent at the march which led to the Bloody Sunday massacre .
10 Furthermore , she was n't too keen on having to shop and prepare three meals a day when she 'd been so organised before , and had done the minimum of cooking .
11 He waylaid Stella in the paint-frame where she had been sent to boil rabbit glue on the Bunsen burner .
12 Biting her lip Amabel reproached herself thoroughly and sincerely for not having forced her to wear those whalebone stays all night when she had been growing up .
13 Susan 's eyes grew wide as Maggie told her about her ride on the telegraph pole , ending up at The Haven where she 'd been rescued by Bryce .
14 She unfolded Marek 's exercise book and began reading the spidery writing where she had been forced to stop .
15 Miss Evans moved from the sink where she 'd been all this time , standing quite still , and started to clear the plates from the table .
16 Only an hour ago she had been finishing the evening milking , peaceful in the milking house with Florence .
17 Half an hour ago she had been in a heaven of love with the enraged man before her .
18 A picture came to her of the shaggy wanderers huddling together in the bus shelter at the top of the road where she had been born and bred .
19 One lunchtime when she had been at the House of Mattli for a few months Paula went there for her usual coffee and the cottage cheese salad that was her staple diet now that it was so important that she did not add a single half-inch to her wand-slim figure .
20 But in the society where she had been brought up marriage was still very much the expected norm .
21 The space where she had been was obliterated in a flash of hard radiation .
22 When she had left Madam Lundy 's presence earlier she had been shivering with reaction , but that had now passed , leaving her calm , her options clear .
23 The little girl was on her own a few yards from the rug where she had been sitting eating some moments before .
24 Japan remains tied to the Western camp partly because the relationship has become integral to her economy and politics over forty years ' association , and partly because it appears to offer the best defence against Soviet aggression and encroachment — a long-standing fear — in Northeast Asia , and the best hope of Japan 's integrity overall in a world where she has been proved to be economically and militarily vulnerable .
25 Sentence was delayed on the mother , Celia Palmer , aged l8 , who was remanded to stay in the hostel where she has been living during the trial while social and probation reports are prepared .
26 And the reason why she had been so slow to recognise him was that on the ship he had looked so much older .
27 The three-room cottage where she had been born had lost its interest for Eve as her dislike of the Westwards had grown .
28 It was neither bright , nor ornamented , nor ill-fitting , but she was such an unfamiliar sight out of boy 's breeches and working boots and fustian shirt that the company burst out laughing , and barracked and whistled and cheered and blew kisses at her on her long walk from the cottage where she had been hiding herself .
29 Emma had a spell at a small , local Welsh school then she had been sent to one of London 's most exclusive girls ' preparatory schools , off Sloane Square .
30 One year earlier she had been seen in our hospital for joint pain and skin lesions on the lower legs which resembled erythema nodosum .
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