Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The simplest method would have been for a French submarine to wait for the Rainbow Warrior somewhere on the high seas and sink it with a torpedo but that posed the problem of what to do with any survivors .
2 Well they 're taking all the power lines down in the village , or down through that part of the village which , fair enough , gets rid of the eyesore but they 're gon na put now a bloody big transformer , abou thing about seven , eight foot bloody tall in , in the field right on the Copper Dollar
3 His relief at not having been made a fool of was matched by his curiosity to find out who the devil he was , this man Iying chest down on the wet flagstones , face turned to one side as though asleep .
4 Ruth gazed past him , over his right shoulder to the yacht with its two beautiful people laughing and sipping champagne together on the upper deck .
5 Here is one of those places , then , where the frontier does not follow the ridge of the mountains , but takes a sudden dive down on the French side .
6 She struggled not to run screaming from the office , seeing the trip ahead , knowing what would happen , that desire , that overpowering excitement flaring up between them in a hotel bedroom somewhere on the other side of the world , dragging her deeper into a relationship that was already tearing her to pieces .
7 Indeed , I sat there in the muggy warmth until the balding , bull-necked scruff of a proprietor or manager started to put the chairs upside down on the swabbed tables — a peculiar custom which is surely unhygienic enough to be banned by law .
8 It is , however , noticeable that Disraeli models his new feudalism less on the great houses than on the monasteries of the past .
9 Supplementary dietary phosphate decreased the fatty acid concentration only on the low calcium diet .
10 After a few attempts , which often result in catching the ball off the toe , the player begins to feel how necessary it is to turn away fully in the backswing and to bring the club down on the correct path .
11 Sergeant Morrison put his mug of tea down on the greasy bar and turned .
12 Let me zero my telepathy in on the benign , rumpled and somewhat steatopygous figure of my friend Stu .
13 Maternal risk factors known at booking were age under 18 or over 35 ; primiparity or parity of more than three ; being in manual or non-manual work ; being less than 158 cm tall ; attending antenatal care after 18 weeks ' gestation ; having diabetes ; being a smoker ; being of Asian origin ; having a history of infertility ; having a husband in social class III manual , IV , or V ; and having a general practitioner not on the obstetric list .
14 Having done everything in your tank preparations to avoid new tank syndrome , you can still set in motion some of the attendant problems if you start your new stock off on the wrong fin .
15 He added the presence of a nursing home would have a long-term effect both on the future development of existing firms in the area and those wishing to locate on land earmarked specifically for industrial purposes .
16 Since , as has already been shown , all planes or levels of the individual are interrelated , and imbalances or blocks at one level can affect all the others , treatment at the spiritual level can have a beneficial effect also on the mental , emotional and physical levels .
17 The total value of cross-border deals in the first three months of this year at $13.3 billion was 45 p.c. up on the corresponding period a year ago but was still well below the 1989 peak when the quarterly average reached $32.6 billion .
18 David Goldman , chairman , said the group 's United Kingdom software sales rose by 16 p.c. despite difficult market conditions and that Sage continues to trade ahead of internal targets , with profits in the first half 62 p.c. up on the corresponding period .
19 But have you heard about the metamorphosis demonstration out on the main plaza ?
20 While the circuit is being cleared to give us a free run , Brundle takes the car out on the public roads .
21 He extracted Catherine a short while later and turned the car back on the darkened road which would lead them towards the A1 .
22 One tooth out on the rubber timing belt makes a lot of difference .
23 Puffins spend most of their time fishing out on the open ocean , but in spring , in order to nest and breed , they have to return to land .
24 I thought of this killer out on the empty , wild moor , and I felt more and more uncomfortable about my surroundings .
25 Drawing upon detailed field studies by W. F. R. Weldon ( 1860–1906 ) , the biometrical school was able to show that selection did indeed have a measurable effect even on the short term .
26 When my right hon. Friend goes to Barrow later in the week , will he congratulate Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd. and its work force there on the excellent job that they have done in constructing the vessels to specification and to schedule ?
27 Bridging precariously above the protruding spike concentrates your mind wonderfully on the old cliche — ‘ not a route for the married man ’ !
28 Look at the fabric closely on the non-patterned side and you will see how the pattern is actually made .
29 Moors are closing the gap steadily on the leading teams , and three points today could lift them three places into fifth .
30 This was a Court of Appeal decision not on the substantive issues , and merely established that there was an arguable case , but it does mean that purchasers and investors alike should be cautious about relying on warranties if they have actual knowledge of breach at the time the contract is made .
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