Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] it [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For if there really is only one version of good primary practice then it becomes obvious that everyone should subscribe to it .
2 Put your cat somewhere it feels safe , away from the removals scene , or arrange for a neighbour , friend or relative to look after it .
3 , they , remember last , end of last winter when it got mild after the cold spell , they were building their nests and then we got all that cold weather again , all the , all the fledglings were dead .
4 On the twin assumptions that workers act rationally and that time is divided between work and leisure , it follows that if taxation encourages more leisure then it discourages more work and vice versa .
5 The GPS system made its public debut in the recent Gulf War when it enabled allied troops to navigate at night across hundreds of miles of desert to within a few metres .
6 Newark Castle was of strategic importance during the Civil War when it withheld three sieges by Parliamentarians .
7 As with the acquisition of any skill it requires conscious effort as each skill is practised to the point where it becomes effortless ( see Skilful behaviour on page 155 ) .
8 So at the point where it becomes clear that absolute egalitarianism is going to encroach on the interests of the middle peasants , you need to stop it ?
9 These would inevitably introduce distortion , noise and hiss and the signal would gradually become degraded to the point where it became unintelligible .
10 Seymour Cray has been left holding the baby at his struggling Colorado Springs-based Cray Computer Corp : Neil Davenport has resigned as president and chief executive , saying that Cray Computer had reached the point where it has appropriate resources to complete the Cray-3 so he is free to seek other opportunities — but the company is still seeking its first firm customer for the supercomputer .
11 One result would be that the Government could not time a general election to its own advantage , going to the country at the moment when it feels most popular ; so general elections might result in a change of Government more often .
12 For British golf fanatics , there has perhaps never been a more nerve-wracking day than when , with only four points to get in the final singles , there was never a moment when it appeared likely that we could get them .
13 Significantly , the camera does not require costly special cooling yet it achieves thermal resolutions comparable with current , cooled images .
14 Hungary lost much foreign creditor confidence as a consequence of the general deterioration in its economic performance just as it approached a period when it needed substantial foreign loans to service its debts , finance its convertible currency account deficit and replenish hard currency reserves .
15 This moderate system of government was frequently adopted by Charles , who early on in his reign had recognised the wisdom of leaving local leaders in place wherever it seemed possible and beneficial to his own aims .
16 For example , one of the attractions in my area , Balmoral Castle , as a couple of exhibitions which are open to the public for part of the year , now the entrance fees for that actually goes to charity so it benefits other people apart from the tourists themselves .
17 In most insects , however , the greater part of the cuticle undergoes a process of sclerotization whereby it becomes hardened and darkened to form more or less tough , rigid sclerites separated from each other by membranous zones of unchanged soft cuticle .
18 So , at the top there it says conventional memory , two seven four O four eight , of two seven four O four eight .
19 Maxim scouted the cottage to make sure it was empty then helped George over the comer of the dry-stone wall where it seemed strongest and guided him under a face-high clothes-line strung across the little lawn .
20 Hence each enforcement authority ( i.e. local trading standards department ) now has power to serve a ‘ suspension notice ’ upon a trader where it has reasonable grounds to think legal safety requirements have been infringed , section 14 .
21 Right you can have some in a minute when it goes flatter .
22 On this evidence therefore it seems possible that , on the evening of 14 May , AFHQ was working on the assumption that Loehr 's forces , including hundreds of thousands of Germans , had already surrendered to 5 Corps or were about to do so , and therefore that the German element in those forces might be included in the " 500,000 " Germans whom AFHQ was asking SHAEF/12th Army Group to take over .
23 She too exhibits both a fascination and a scepticism with regard to structuralist theories of the text , manifest in Thru as a healthy mistrust of theory whenever it becomes over-systematic .
24 ‘ We 'll just go along as onlookers , ’ she said , 1and cheer whenever it seems appropriate .
25 The SDLP retained its hold in the Northlands area where it returned five out of the seven seats available .
26 This is another area where it appears difficult to reconcile demographic and housing trends .
27 It now seems likely that a ‘ joint list ’ of green candidates for local government posts will only be submitted in the Paris region , and the Alsace , An agreement reached in October 1982 that would have linked the Amis De La Terre ( AT ) , the Confederation Ecologiste and the Mouvement D'Ecologie Politique ( Now VPE ) disintegrated last month when it became clear that the VPE wanted to have a dominant say over its two partners .
28 The offer will be priced next month when it becomes clear what percentage of the Treasury 's stake will be sold .
29 Although the , the hub of the sails is more or less in the centre of this photograph it 's not in sent not in the sense of , of the area of vision because you 've got a lot of dark area here so that tends to move the centre of vision so it becomes this bit , if you like , and so that 's not in the centre there .
30 Head towards the centre where it got busier .
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