Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 8 ) Where the prospective parliamentary candidate has been selected and subsequently intimates his or her intention not to stand for parliament in the constituency as the Labour Party candidate at the next election , the procedure set out in section ( 3 ) of this clause shall ( subject to section ( 4 ) of this clause ) be forthwith set in motion again .
2 On June 17 Roman announced his intention not to stand for President .
3 PROTESTORS gathered at a Merseyside dock yesterday to campaign against coal imports and pit closures .
4 The disabled lobby in the arts must take credit for the work they have done in making galleries more accessible , but there is a great deal more to do in order to encourage and demonstrate the creative talents of older people that undoubtedly exist .
5 Baldwin contemplated all this at Aix , and made up his mind both to go for protection and to put at risk the first independent Conservative majority for two decades .
6 He studied in every spare moment he could find , not because he wanted to but because , in the absence of parents who would pay , he needed to win a scholarship even to get to school .
8 But they must beat Edinburgh Royals at home at the Jewel & Esk Valley College tomorrow to stay on top .
9 I was kept in a cell overnight to appear in court the next morning .
10 Car 2 was presented to the National Tramway Museum at Crich in 1963 , where it became the first car there to move under power in June 1964 .
11 If they had access to interpreters , it would enable his Department speedily to deal with immigration cases .
12 Driver not to blame for accident
13 I 've been retired from playing for five years , although this season I messed about a bit just to keep in touch with what was going on , and I really do think that someone else should have the honour of captaining the team .
14 For these students , this was manifested by a decision not to continue with physics at postgraduate level .
15 Female science students may make the girls think again about their decision not to continue with science .
16 The unrest , which was connected with further proposed petrol price and bus fare increases and also involved student protests , was believed to have been caused by a Supreme Court decision not to proceed with corruption charges against various former ministers .
17 They notified the applicant of their decision not to appeal by letter dated 23 November 1990 .
18 Reluctantly , Johnson accepted their advice , and on 31 March 1968 he made a dramatic appearance on nationwide television to announce a fresh peace initiative , the reduction of bombing raids on North Vietnam , and his decision not to stand for re-election in November .
19 Sonia Gandhi 's decision not to stand in by-election
20 Brain op not to blame for man 's death
21 But then the other faction , the shattered remains of the erstwhile " confident " party , had argued rather differently … far from being a sign of collapse it was , in fact , a sign of the Collector 's resolve , his determination not to submit to oppression , to fight back , in other words .
22 MR CLINTON is set to give his Secret Service agents fits in his determination not to live in fear of the assassin 's bullet .
23 His journals in particular constitute a moving memorial to a young man of integrity and moral courage , whose determination not to succumb to pain and humiliation was at times heroic .
24 Mentally there may be marked anxiety even to fear of death and suffocation .
25 We have the equipment here to test for proteinuria , do n't we ? ’
26 Just one more law hard to argue in court .
27 She of course is in a hurry to return to Rome where she left a sweetheart and has offered to do the ironing there to save on laundry expenses so great is her anxiety to be taken .
28 When the driver pushes the throttle button or puts his foot on the pedal , there is none of the usual mechanical linkage there to swing into action .
29 Indeed , about a million years ago some species of primate — the forerunners of human beings — seemed to select out larger brains in one of the most explosive periods of evolutionary change ever to occur on Earth .
30 Bit early to say of course but it looks very promising .
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