Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [vb base] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dropping litter might also be linked with the kind of ceremonial spitting and pee-ing that is a demonstration of claim of territory ( old men sitting on bench at village square or park etc. seem to spit a lot/ the marvellous wide-astride attitude of the countryside pee-er claiming that bit of ground as his for that glorious moment — I am aware it 's different for ladies , but maybe the same mentally , given that fright of discovering be removed ! ) .
2 The Revenue only seek to charge the 35 per cent rate if the income of the non-resident trust has a UK source .
3 Does n't bottle-wrack already seem to have a more discrete , ‘ organismy ’ feel to it ?
4 Culture and religion also serve to integrate the immigrant community and to insulate it from wider society .
5 The ambiguity about the definitions of hat/head/hair also serve to reify the human head , detached from its body as a carrier of cultural impedimenta comparable to the de-portraitised head as a carrier of different kinds of spectacles in the advertisement for Dollond and Aitchison , the opticians .
6 The club also plan to cover the 35ft high by 140ft wide mural with more sponsorship and advertising deals to help recoup the cost .
7 Libraries of this kind normally aim to achieve a certain standard of appearance in their bookstock , though the standard itself is inevitably governed by the size of the bookfund .
8 The lay panel , the rights of parents and children to be accompanied by a friend or supporter , and the complete absence of any professional legal formality generally help to reduce the tension and create a situation for discussion .
9 The vegetables braising in the curry suddenly seem to represent the sum of the decisions I have made , and they look insignificant in comparison .
10 The committee sensibly want to remove the child from crown court trials , but their solution of prelimi nary hearings is questionable .
11 Those who broke into the inn tonight want to find the same treasure .
12 However , in the case of parish , town and community councils , the power to exclude the Press and the public applies to council meetings and committee meetings only , and may occur where the council formally resolve to exclude the public on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted , or for another special reason stated in the resolution and arising from the nature of the business or the proceedings .
13 Right-handed males who are very susceptible to hypnosis also seem to show a preference for using the right hemisphere of the brain — the side associated with imaginative rather than analytical skills .
14 A few glasses of wine also seem to justify a splurge on the main dishes , and may make it harder to say no when the orders for dessert come round .
15 In this way , other micro aspects such as cross-hatching and brushwork also come to form a coherent body of pattern .
16 Since historians are creatures of flesh and blood , often with passionate convictions and opinions , and since the Spanish Civil War represents a recent historical event of unusual political , ideological and emotional content , it is hardly surprising that historical accounts of the 1931–6 period often appear to lack the objectivity attainable to students of episodes further in the past .
17 The horrible details of the 1914–18 war undoubtedly serve to heighten the poignancy of this feeling , and the creative energy of the war poets evokes its own sense of loss for a stable life snatched away , amidst ‘ the shrill , demented choir of wailing shells ’ .
18 The thirty officers working on the case urgently want to trace the mystery caller .
19 Why did the right hon. Gentleman not decide to have a higher grade environmental impact assessment ?
20 In bringing its fight to the streets of New York , Virgin also hope to win an injunction restraining B A. B A say there 's no basis for the claim .
21 The reason is that some of the influential popularizers of modern evolutionary theory still manage to confuse the developmental issue with the evolutionary one .
22 For all this , some practitioners of each trade still manage to combine the two .
23 ‘ British Sugar often want to move a load at very short notice and we must always be at the ready ’ he adds .
24 Government policy and company policy alike have to take a view of long term trends and possibilities , particularly in a future period that may see the UK 's decline as an oil exporter .
25 Most Secretaries of State only manage to tap the helm , giving Defence policy little more than a change in emphasis during their time in office .
26 The secretary , David East , is now a figure of the distant past following his decision to resign his post over the way 10 Welsh players were recruited for the celebratory tour , and the Union still have to find a candidate to replace Rhys Williams as the junior vice-president .
27 Unfortunately , the Government still continue to repeat the view that it would be neither ‘ practical or beneficial ’ to introduce age discrimination legislation , and the majority of these recommendations have yet to be implemented , notably those relating to a bi-annual report , increasing the earnings disregard and improving employment training for the over-50s .
28 Will the Foreign Secretary also help to provide a breathing space for the Russian Government , by supporting their call for a suspension of interest payments on the debt ?
29 Just as we , in our writing , have to find the words that fit what we are trying to express , the most appropriate words , so the characters in a story , novel or poem also have to discover the language that is fitting .
30 If you do not belong to a union then ask to see the employer 's handbook detailing minimum terms and conditions and ask to amend your contact in advance of signature if you feel this is necessary .
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