Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [vb past] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The turbine eventually gave way to a pair of diesel engines .
2 The Hamleys bag sat on the dressing table at the end of his room , the one clean , bright item in the place , and Joe lay back on the bed and stared at it as the daylight outside gave way to the evening .
3 But her early surge soon gave way to predictable ring-rust after five years off the professional circuit .
4 The military-oriented industries founded by Peter on forced labour gradually gave way to more diversified manufacture based on hired labour ( generally serfs still sending payments back to their villages ) .
5 The accord also included agreement to ‘ foster stability of exchange rates around current levels ’ .
6 The Soviet side then reiterated adherence to the Moscow agreement .
7 The Guild also encouraged women to be active in local government , to criticize or improve the administration of the Poor Law , education , housing and public health .
8 The Argentinian hero then recommended Willie to Lee Trevino , and thus began Willie 's relationship with Supermex .
9 NCR Corp yesterday announced enhancements to its Top Eed distributed transaction processing system .
10 The Test and County Cricket Board yesterday rejected trips to the Diamond Jubilee in Calcutta — in which most of the Test-playing countries are likely to be involved — and the Sharjah Championship Trophy in the Gulf .
11 Once Today moved into Rupert Murdoch 's News group it changed its politics ; its neutral stance and its support for a middle-of-the-road SDP government in the 1987 general election gradually gave way to a more Conservative outlook .
12 Well away from the motorway now , each new place quickly gave way to further forest and , just as Jenna was beginning to be lulled into a strange peace by the dappled sunlight of the place , the soothing green of nature , the car turned on to a narrow road and began to climb steadily .
13 The era also gave birth to a whole array of new social problems .
14 The original inquiry also took detectives to the North of England .
15 The original inquiry also took detectives to the north of England .
16 Nor did it escape his attention that as well as its social role Heaven also gave access to a large group of demonstrably big spenders .
17 This fact would be useful for Essay A as Moltke was responsible for the military brilliance of the Prussians in the period and with Room for the restructuring of the army , which crisis also brought Bismarck to power on 23rd September 1862 .
18 The £800,000 signing from Nottingham Forest then paid tribute to the man who has helped transform his fiery character and enable him to take such a setback calmly in his stride — player-boss Francis .
19 The district auditor also drew attention to ‘ the continuing delay in producing accounts , their poor quality and the adverse effect on the stewardship of public funds ’ .
20 In deciding to impose the restrictions set out in paragraph 4 above , the board also gave weight to the fact that according to Norwich Union 's letter to the Chief Executive of 18 October 1990 , that company had no contractual power to suspend the Winchester Group pending the conclusion of the investigation in the absence of Lautro intervening under rule 7.3 .
21 In its ruling , however , the IWT also drew attention to the issue of energy use per se : " ( Environmental ) procedures and the generation of ever more information on impacts do not help avoid the essential issue that industrialized countries should reduce their wasteful energy consumption , rather than enlarging the capacity to create energy " .
22 Order backlog also increased 56% to £10.6m .
23 Ultimately the final culmination was the same : anarchy eventually gave place to patrician capitalism .
24 THE Stock Exchange is investigating two blatant share ramps which for a while yesterday added £178million to the value of conglomerate Williams Holdings , and knocked £94million from financial services group British & Commonwealth .
25 The communiqué also committed Germany to the creation of " conditions favourable to lower global interest rates " .
26 Much of this adverse criticism also drew attention to the usual association of the allowance system with some form of " make-work " scheme .
27 Quorum also found 80% to 85% of its potential audience are interested simply in running off-the-shelf Mac packages of Word and Excel : this is what Quorum is currently polishing up and will be showing .
28 Quorum also found 80% to 85% of its potential audience are interested in running just off-the-shelf Mac packages of Word and Excel which is what Quorum is currently polishing up and will be showing .
29 The SPA also confirmed changes to the Administrative Council ( Cabinet ) .
30 The editorial also made reference to the use of ‘ infidelity ’ problems by the media against other politicians , namely David Steele and Roy Hattersley .
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