Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] make the " in BNC.

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1 At this hour I ought to make the movie capital in about one-and-a-half-hours .
2 At the end of the chapter I shall make the paradoxical point that the theory we are looking for may actually need to seem improbable , even miraculous , to our subjective judgement ( because of the way our subjective judgement has been made ) .
3 Now , whatever is written by the second child you write under it the figure which will make the sum of both up to nine .
4 I would say you could defend the British position because what it seems to me to be based on is first of all the idea that the institution itself should make the decision , and that surely is a democratic start , that you do n't lay down a rule from Newcastle to John O'Groats , or wherever , and that the people in the institution have a certain chemistry together .
5 To the ordinary reader advertisements may count for nothing ; but to the bookseller and book-collector they can make the difference between £50 and £500 .
6 When parents exclude children from their own grief it can make the child feel that the awful event that has taken place is a punishment for which they are in part responsible .
7 Mr Harrison has called for an urgent meeting with EC officials to restate the case for intervention funding which would make the yard more attractive to potential purchasers .
8 This means that , if the tail of your model starts to swing towards the left , then the gyro must apply a correction which will make the tail move to the right .
9 As for the game itself , Hare has a philosophy which might make the rest of us win .
10 As for the game itself , Hare has a philosophy which might make the rest of us win .
11 Even a relatively small additional sum of money can enable the purchase of additional equipment which will make the difference between being poorly and adequately resourced .
12 The fear of suffocation that accompanies an asthmatic attack is understandable , but the anxiety itself can make the attack worse — or even bring one on unaided .
13 She had a formidable intellect , she was a brilliant theoretician who could make the most complex ideas accessible .
14 And I have a sister-in-law who used to play for a women 's football team so she 's very interested and a as soon as there 's a big game on , on the satellite they all come round and it 's sort of into the kitchen you can make the the half time
15 Just call at your branch who will make the necessary arrangements .
16 Neither side will concede the real ambiguity in the evidence , ambiguity which would make the believer uncomfortable in his or her faith , and the unbeliever open to doubt in his or her unwillingness to believe .
17 The fuel which will make the largest contribution to energy demand growth will be coal though there will be significant growth in both gas and nuclear power consumption .
18 If you have a dining alcove in your living room you could make the division more complete by building a low storage wall of shelves or cupboards with plenty of room inside for all your dining equipment and serving space on top .
19 The principle of universalizability tells us , then , that in the absence of an available difference we must make the same judgement again .
20 When you are in a situation where you have to clean up after your dog it is advisable to encourage it to defecate on a surface which will make the task easier .
21 In the case of the powerpack they have been greatly influenced by the work of Professor Thring and his colleagues , and have proposed a hybrid powerpack which would make the best use of an internal combustion engine and electric motor and would reduce fuel consumption by some 50% and toxic emissions by 80% .
22 Thorpe J. found that W. had sufficient understanding to make an informed decision but held that he had jurisdiction to authorise medical treatment without W. 's consent , and he concluded that in view of the medical evidence he should make the order sought .
23 This is not the sort of news which would make the front pages of newspapers , but you can assume that on the day everyone will be interested in the bride and groom and their respective families .
24 As you , and the children , become increasingly familiar with the strategy you can make the boundaries less clear ; but initially clarity is all important .
25 Sieve them through the mouli having first strained off surplus liquid which would make the fool watery .
26 The man who must make the final decisions on this and other proposals is Arthur Bienenstock , director of SSRL .
27 My mother was a cook who could make the most of three-pennyworth of meat pieces to enrich my father 's vegetables .
28 Only society itself can make the fundamental change that is required to make racial harassment a part of history .
29 Once you have made your choice they will make the booking on your behalf and will handle all aspects of your holiday from then on .
30 On an average tour it will make the band up to £20,000 profit , a figure they rarely reach on ticket sales .
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