Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On occasions , after a programme , he would slip into the empty studio , seat himself at the grand piano and play — mostly chords and nothing recognizable .
2 She really made Seles fight , in a hard-hitting baseline battle which at the same time surely set a new decibel record !
3 The virtue of immediate or shortly forthcoming abolition of the trade abolitionists proclaimed as an act of justice and humanity which at the same time offered the greatest stimulus to reform of slavery on the plantations .
4 Boot will always be remembered for his share in our joint invention of the cavity magnetron which at an early stage produced pulses of radiation of many kilowatts at wavelengths of 9–10 centimetres .
5 Treated as a wayward child who at the same time was exceedingly precocious , he was considerably indulged as long as he continued to sow confusion in Rommel 's back yard .
6 It was an accident everyone at the marine conservation society had been dreading .
7 In fact I had never even imagined life without fat so it was something of a challenge to create a very low fat diet for myself , first of all , and then for my slimmers — a diet which at the same time as being very low in fat included all the necessary nutrients .
8 Sometimes , the Minister will take the point of a desired amendment , but not like the proposed amendment itself and thus undertake instead to arrange for amendment himself at a later stage .
9 At 32 Rue St Honoré , they met with Raymond Eddi , a distinguished Lebanese parliamentarian in exile , and Marcel Boutros , Aoun 's personal envoy , who invited Coleman to meet the general himself at the presidential palace in Baabda .
10 ( op. at. : 6 ) Art sessions took place in the Art Room itself at the far end of the school , and Drama work happened in the hall .
11 The ministers involved recognize that MPs are being well briefed and though they will not necessarily concede directly they encounter a good case , they will usually move the amendment themselves at a later stage .
12 Roman answered the phone himself at the first ring , and Claudia 's heart turned over .
13 The autobiographical source of the novel also goes some way to explaining the method of presentation of Antoine 's character which at a personal level reflects a tension between a father and a son , and at a historical level reflects a tension between two different epochs .
14 ‘ ( 1 ) Any person who at a lawful public meeting acts in a disorderly manner for the purpose of preventing the transaction of the business for which the meeting was called together shall be guilty of an offence … ( 2 ) Any person who incites others to commit an offence under this section shall be guilty of a like offence .
15 The festival 's aim is to promote interesting activities in the countryside which at the same time encourage environmental awareness and boost the local economy .
16 The emphasis is on a purposeful and communicative approach to language learning which at the same time will provide students with a sound command of language structure and vocabulary .
17 It had to be ‘ a real government which at a later point could even become a coalition ’ .
18 This was not the first time that water had been collected in bulk , but hitherto those who indulged in the practice had generally been powerful bodies , like water or railway companies , who had acted under powers given them by legislation which at the same time made them liable for harm done by its escape .
19 Hence it was decided to remove this ceiling and its supporting joists and to resite it at a higher level .
20 That God is personal by being tri-personal , they would say , means that in God the activity which at the human level must be divided between separate individual selves can be contained at the divine level within one being .
21 If you are interested in fine eighteenth-century furniture , in hooked rugs or in quilting , in mushroom arm-chairs or in Duncan Phyfe , in Shakers or in the West , in cracker barrels or in ‘ Borning Rooms ’ , you will find something to interest you at the American Museum in Britain .
22 He called it Boozebusters and the idea was that wives ( and more rarely , husbands ) who were fed up with their partner 's non-stop round of office parties would hire a Boozebuster squad to snatch the miscreant from the pub , or wine-bar or restaurant or even the office itself at a pre-arranged time .
23 Tokenism , as this ‘ women 's season ’ showed , can be useful in that as well as making a gesture towards ‘ minority ’ interest it at the same time betokened the absence of women 's film on television which it sought to undo .
24 Later the amnesia became a problem as large as the one it was meant to conceal Forgetting protects one from pain what at the same time prevents a knowing and understanding of the self .
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