Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Little explicit literary evidence confirms this view of the Council ; there is for instance nothing in the pamphlet we call the Old Oligarch , written in c.425 , although in other contexts it does comment on the influence at Athens enjoyed by the wealthy and well-born .
2 Due to the housing and building recession everyone in the stock market knew it would be reporting dreadful figures this week .
3 An ancient monument is ‘ any scheduled monument ’ and ‘ any other monument which in the opinion of the secretary of state is of public interest by reason of the historic , architectural , traditional , artistic or archaeological interest attaching to it ’ .
4 Here are the real facts : Crane Holdings was in fact a highly speculative investment which in the event performed very badly .
5 An Assured Shorthold Tenant may make an application to a Rent Assessment Committee for a determination of the rent which in the opinion of the Committee the landlord might reasonably be expected to obtain for the property .
6 A man is the history of his breaths and thoughts , acts , atoms and wounds , love , indifference and dislike ; also of his race and nation , the soil that fed him and his forebears , the stones and sands of his familiar places , long-silenced battles and struggles of conscience , of the smiles of girls and the slow utterance of old women , of accidents and the gradual action of inexorable law , of all this and something else too , a single flame which in every way obeys the laws that pertain to Fire itself , and yet is lit and put out from one moment to the next , and can never be relumed in the whole waste of time to come .
7 ‘ Through all the exhaustion and fear of the disastrous 1986 climb , Kurt Diemberger felt himself at one with creation , part of the ‘ endless knot ’ which put him in harmony with the cosmos and with a force which in the end was to save his life . ’
8 Socially and psychologically women are brought up to care for relationships , to care for people , they want to do it well , where it goes wrong they tend to blame themselves , but equally we have eminent members of the judiciary who in the past have commented in some of the cases of severe assaults on women , the kind of er quote that you were making
9 Well , that night everyone went to sleep because if there was going to be a wedding everybody in the village would surely have to go .
10 I run to the bedroom , clutch the lump of hash from the bookshelf , and lock myself in the bathroom , turning the taps on .
11 Good interpreters can aid communication but professionals must be trained to use interpreters properly or , ideally , should have fluency themselves in an individual 's native language .
12 There is no evidence that addictive disease arises from traumas of early childhood or that psycho-therapeutic techniques that explore the emotional and behavioural patterns established in these early years have any effect whatever in the understanding or treatment of addictive disease .
13 He talked on , feeling a great relief , thinking , it 's not surprising Catholics are able to preserve their sanity ; they can unburden themselves in the confessional .
14 What Mr seems to be directing is that the settlement should be directed to those areas which are at present have pleasant tree cover and things , which theoretically can assimilate a new settlement which in the context of the Vale of York , tend to be those areas which are th are of the better landscape quality .
15 These constitute a form of indirect discrimination which in the case of turbans was fought successfully by a Sikh family under the terms of the 1976 Race Relations Act ( porn , 1985 ) .
16 The task is to define the ‘ god ’ and lay down the precepts whereby the corresponding religion can be disciplined and protected from the kind of exploitation for political or financial advantage which in the past has corrupted or destroyed so many of the world 's religious activities .
17 Carter had been no mean personal campaigner himself in the past , but by 1980 his situation had changed fundamentally .
18 The grant of jurisdiction to a tribunal or other decision-maker must involve a power to come to a decision which in the opinion of a reviewing court may well be wrong .
19 Some time previously and after a wait of five years my name had been proposed and seconded for membership , but when my proposer heard that two members were of a mind to blackball me in the ballot , he ( without telling me ) withdrew my candidature .
20 that talk about the company of which I 'm chairman is that there is a personnel and compensation committee which in the absence of a chief executive sets the chief executive 's remuneration and with the presence of the chief executive , although he 's not , I 'm not a member of that committee we work on the other senior executives of the company , it 's quite similar to the process used here in your company .
21 Mr , you and I have debated in the past er in this room er whether or not exceptional circumstances are necessary to define an inset boundary for a village which in the sketch plan of the greenbelt to have been shown as washed over .
22 He doubts ‘ whether the significance which the certainty of the law has for the smooth and efficient working of economic life can be exaggerated ’ and suggests that ‘ there is probably no single factor which has contributed to the greater prosperity of the Western world compared with the Orient than the relative certainty of the law which in the West had early been achieved ’ .
23 Well , how about ‘ Dear sir , you have made an error which in the context of your foetid letter , was delightfully egregious ’ . ’
24 They were encouraged to profess repentance and contrition which in the view of CD and others simply promoted hypocrisy , hence his satire on ‘ Model Prisoners ’ in DC 61 .
25 However , the housekeeper was wonderfully organised , and her jovial personality made the kitchen buzz with chatter and laughter which in no way stopped the work from being done .
26 which is useful for taking the heat off the window itself in the Summer .
27 Since then the name has become associated with the sport itself in the form of windsurfing .
28 A constable who in the course of patrolling sees something which in his opinion is of a suspicious character , should satisfy himself one way or the other before proceeding to work the remaining portion of his ground .
29 However , the sudden intervention of the princess herself in the speculation about her marriage raised more questions than it answered .
30 Not being an expert herself in the art of model construction , the kids went too — and we 'll get their verdict on the home of Lego tomorrow .
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