Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] a [noun sg] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Planners were heavily criticised for designing the route through a valley notorious for fog .
2 regulations ) A good opportunity for a spring clean and a chance to get rid of old furniture etc accumulating in your attic .
3 For many of the reasons that he gave , the contract for a Shell Sole Pit compression platform has been awarded to Highfab .
4 ‘ I suppose so but the whole set-up is as camp as a field full of tents .
5 Ivy took the envelope from him , widened the opening and extracted a small coil of blue plastic strip about a centimetre wide .
6 On Dec. 1 President Ramaswamy Venkataraman received assurances of " outside " support for a minority National Front government from the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Left Front parties ; the next day V. P. Singh was sworn in as the Prime Minister , in place of Rajiv Gandhi .
7 WORLD rugby officials yesterday risked a damaging political backlash by reaffirming their support for a South African-held World Cup in 1995 .
8 UAL chairman Stephen Wolf , who is under pressure from the rest of his board to deliver the company from its limbo state since the original $6.75billion buyout plan was dropped , began another round of talks this week with the airline 's employees and union leaders to raise support for a bid likely to be worth as little as $4.5billion .
9 The critical Marxist position , then , takes ideology as a concept formulable at the level of the mode of production , considered as a set of underlying structures , rather than at the level of class or social group .
10 When steel was being tempered , hazel twigs were used to test the metal 's heat , the stick about a foot long was rubbed on the steel .
11 ‘ I 'm sure of one thing , ’ Fru Møller said darkly , to no one in particular , as she left the Hall to collect raspberry jam from the kitchen for a guest allergic to strawberries , ‘ the rain wo n't deflect Miss Danziger from her purpose . ’
12 That is , the GFF represents the frequency of a tag for a word relative to its most frequent tag .
13 That is , the GFF represents the frequency of a tag for a word relative to its most frequent tag .
14 ( Note : do n't be tempted to use filter floss as a gravel tidy substitute as it will become fully clogged and impenetrable to water in a very few months . )
15 ‘ A spokesman for the family has described your handling of the case as a quote disgraceful and disastrous example of official interventionism unquote .
16 CAN you please tell me where I can purchase a rubber sealing ring for a Tempo High dome Pressure Cooker , 10 inches in diameter .
17 Even so , with at least two American tournaments lacking name sponsors at the time of writing and the LTA 's anxious search for a company willing to take over the men 's autumn indoor event in Birmingham , are we , I wonder , starting to see the icy blow of reality infiltrating a sport which , for so long , has seemed immune from the impact of any recession ?
18 Division three Redruth have never been in the last 16 and the Cornish crowd will have an early chance to make a big-match noise before their customary bid for a county final place .
19 The contrast between the two men of near-identical appearance is shown in a less formal , more novelistic manner in the character of the King , depicted in The Prisoner of Zenda as a weak , pleasure-loving young man trying to equip himself for his destiny and in Rupert of Hentzau as a man ill in body , weaned by matters of state , gradually coming to resent his obligations to the man whose courage and energy have twice saved his position for him and burdened by jealous suspicions of his wife 's fidelity .
20 A true map of the London Underground shows the central complex as a shape suggestive of a swimming dolphin , its snout being Aldgate , its forehead Old Street , the crown of its head King 's Cross , its spine Paddington , White City and Acton , its tail Ealing Broadway and its underbelly the stations of Kensington .
21 Thus for longitudinal vibrations the resonant frequency is related to Young 's modulus by the equation for a beam free at both ends .
22 We report the isolation of a gene defective in XLA .
23 The government has responded by increasing the military presence in the area , while the " Mindanao Defenders " , an irregular civilian paramilitary force of a type common in the Philippines , is beginning to intimidate the protestors .
24 This must be why Parliament saw as necessary the duality of the parole system : without the advice and recommendation of a body capable of assessing the risk of early release the Secretary of State was not to act : but , having received such advice and recommendation , he was to authorise early release only if he himself was satisfied that it was in the public interest that he should .
25 Howe ( 1990 ) points out that the situation is one of bereavement at the loss of a child similar to a still birth or neonatal death .
26 At the end of 1950 , the co-author of a book advancing Spanish claims to various overseas territories , including Gibraltar , Fernando María Castiella , was appointed as Spanish Ambassador to London .
27 A state of emergency , which already existed over two-thirds of the country ( representing more than 50 per cent of the population ) , had been reimposed for 30 days in the capital Lima on March 23 in an effort to protect candidates , following the murder of a FREDEMO congressional candidate , Julio Gálvez .
28 Who knows what thoughts may pass through the mind of a machine capable of consciously perceiving such patterns , and thinking about them ?
29 Any study of a world climatic map will , however , show that this type of climate is no more widespread than several others .
30 Barbara Myerhoff 's notably thoughtful study of a seafront Jewish old people 's centre in Venice , Los Angeles , conveys this well .
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