Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] a [adj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Both sides expressed opposition to Israel 's settlement of immigrants in the occupied territories , and endorsed proposals to hold a Palestinian-Israeli dialogue , to further the Middle East peace process and to facilitate preparation for a possible UN international conference on the region , to be attended by all parties including the PLO and permanent members of the UN Security Council .
2 L M Ericsson Telefon AB has won an order from the Guangdong Mobile Communications Corp for a digital Groupe Speciale Mobile system to serve the burgeoning Pearl River Delta region in south China ; the value of the order was not given .
3 The Labour government will work within the G7 and the European Community to win support for a New Marshall Plan to assist the former communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe and of the ex-Soviet Union .
4 During the consultation process , we discovered considerable support for a general SVQ at level I. There is also a clear demand for awards at a preliminary level which will open up the SVQ and general SVQ frameworks to those for whom mainstream training is not appropriate , including those with special needs .
5 Despite strong popular support for a continued US presence , it was not clear whether a new treaty would command the 16 votes ( two-thirds majority ) required in the 24-member Senate .
6 They affirmed their support for a continued US military presence in Europe .
7 Once Today moved into Rupert Murdoch 's News group it changed its politics ; its neutral stance and its support for a middle-of-the-road SDP government in the 1987 general election gradually gave way to a more Conservative outlook .
8 In 1974 an attempt to begin to restore self-government through a new Northern Ireland Executive , elected by proportional representation to try to provide for the involvement of the Catholic minority in government , was brought to an end after a strike by Protestant workers .
9 A practical ideology for a catholic Ireland was worked out and the aim of a society uncontaminated by the outside world was pursued .
10 Federalists and functionalists alike regarded it as a great achievement and a decisive breakthrough in the fight for a united Europe , and immediately set out to make the new body a more effective organ of integration than was apparent in its charter .
11 In Estonia the nationalist Estonian Popular Front won 43 of the 105 seats in the Supreme Soviet and a further 35 went to the Association for a Free Estonia and other groups supporting independence .
12 The majority of seats in the March 1990 elections [ ibid. ] went to groups supporting Estonian independence , principally the Estonian Popular Front ( 43 seats ) and the Association for a Free Estonia ( 35 seats ) .
13 Rhythm for a new America
14 Cassius Clay Sr 's stained and yellowed registration card for a 1972 Cadillac is propped between salt and pepper shakers .
15 Only the deputies from the left-wing opposition groups were present for a June 2 session , boycotted by factions loyal to President Landsbergis and Prime Minister Gediminas Vagnorius ( the Sajudis Coalition for a Democratic Lithuania ) .
16 There was no doubt I had emerged from that episode as a complete Charlie .
17 The show will open at Darlington Civic Theatre on April 29 for a two week run , but so far the search for a Young Walsingham has been fruitless .
18 Now , however , I have grave misgivings as we begin to hear from the European Community more and more talk about a federal Europe and closer political integration .
19 Some suggest a tropical origin for the breed , probably Indian ; some talk about a yellow Caspian type drifting through the Balkans and into Spain , and thence into France and the Channel Islands — bearing in mind that Jersey was directly linked with mainland France by a landbridge or causeway until the year 709 .
20 J A McGrath reports on an 11th-hour jockey switch for a strongly-fancied Aintree contenderBookmakers areprepared for £55mbetting spree
21 In his application of systems analysis in geography as a whole Huggett ( 1980 ) has distinguished a strategy of systems analysis that is applicable to both theoretical , at either a micro- or macro-scale level , or an experimental mode of analysis which observes the nature of relationships between system parts .
22 More generally in geography as a whole Chisholm ( 1967 ) dismissed the approach as formalizing what had been done before and employing ‘ a jargon-ridden statement of the obvious ’ .
23 Paul Merson hit his first hat-trick in the bid for a possible UEFA Cup place .
24 There probably is no future for a united Yugoslavia , and Marshal Tito 's ability to hold that federation together was a marvellous testimony to his abilities .
25 Thus there is a superb brooch with coral inlay from Wetwang Slack in Humberside and , from the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh one surviving and priceless gold Netherud Terminal for a Ringshaped Torc , or Neck Ring .
26 A script for a 1942 BBC broadcast went for £500 , the Air Ministry design certificate for Lancaster prototype BT308 fetched £3,100 , a signed menu from the Dam Busters celebratory dinner on June 22 , 1943 realised £2,900 and an early sketch and calculations by Chadwick for the Avro Vulcan , together with his slide rule and desk-set was sold for £6,100 with most of the Chadwick collection going to a telephone bidder .
27 He slowed to look inside the complex as a black BMW 5 Series swept out and joined the traffic jam going north .
28 While making no secret of the Federal Republic 's readiness to provide massive aid for a democratic East Germany , the Chancellor emphasised that virtually all of eastern Europe , from Poland to Yugoslavia , would have a claim of the support and solidarity of Western Europe .
29 The custodian of this mood of growing calm was the new Prime Minister , James Callaghan , who imposed himself on the public consciousness as a new Baldwin , the apostle of peace in our time .
30 The 68EN360 implements all of the media access control layer of the Ethernet IEEE 802.3 Standard on the first channel , and Motorola is also offering the MC68160 Enhanced Ethernet Serial Transceiver for a two-chip Ethernet implementation ; it supports IEEE 802.3 Access Unit Interface and 10Base-T Twisted Pair Interface media connections .
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