Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [num ord] world " in BNC.

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1 Subsequently , polythene played an important part in radar during the Second World War .
2 THE DEATH of Harry Boot on 8 February at the age of 65 removes a distinguished figure from those who contributed in an outstanding way to the successful application of British science to radar during the Second World War .
3 Many farmers still retained some milk for cheesemaking but regulations on the production and use of milk during the Second World War almost brought farmhouse production to a halt and it has never been resumed on an appreciable scale .
4 Unknown to many of his colleagues , Karl had a remarkable experience during the second world war as a member of the Polish Resistance in his native France .
5 These dates have now become a bone of contention in Hong Kong as rugby administrators in the British territory have belatedly realised — even though they are not admitting it — that the Japanese have outsmarted them and gained a precious advantage for the next World Cup .
6 An Irish Catholic , raised in New York , he had been a gung-ho member of the OSS during the second world war .
7 It is thought that the Italian connection relates to the old farm being used to hold Italian prisoners of war captive during the Second World War .
8 Robert Vidalin , a voice of resistance during the second world war , in Paris aged 86 .
9 Born in 1925 of a Ukrainian immigrant father , Bérégovoy was largely self-taught and fought in the resistance during the Second World War .
10 In spite of these absences and the decline of country house building during the First World War , the Twenties saw a steady stream of commissioned work from the Lutyens drawing board .
11 Weiss reportedly cast doubts in comments to the daily Neue A-Z on Oct. 10 on the existence during the Second World War of gas chambers for the extermination of Jews .
12 A Marine during the Second World War , Jones was cited at Iwo Jima .
13 The Nazi Party of Germany used its powerful pattern to full advantage during the Second World War .
14 I have a very clear recollection of Nigel de Grey , sometime Lieutenant-Commander in the Naval Intelligence Division during the First World War , giving us a lecture on security which was psychologically scarifying , as indeed it was meant to be .
15 The German state prosecutor 's office announced on April 8 that tests conducted on the bones of a man who died in Brazil in 1979 confirmed that the body ( discovered in 1985 — see p. 33759 ) was that of Josef Mengele , the so-called " Angel of Death " held responsible for the deaths of 400,000 prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp during the Second World War .
16 Fetherstone was used as a POW camp during the last World War , and the ruins of the camp 's huts still litter parklands by the river .
17 It culminated in the clean-up of the industry inaugurated by nationalisation after the Second World War .
18 And of course after the Second World War and the comparative austerity of the 1940s , having fun seemed natural enough , and justifying having fun is what hedonistic philosophy is for .
19 In East Berlin in October , in his speech marking the German Democratic Republic 's 40th anniversary , Mr Gorbachev reminded the world that the Soviet Union had advocated the preservation of German unity after the second world war .
20 The Empire reached its zenith after the First World War with the acquisition of former German colonies in Africa and with the addition of League of Nations mandates to govern parts of the old Ottoman Empire in the Middle East — Palestine , Jordan and Iraq .
21 When the Foreign Secretary visits the Group of Seven summit in the summer , will he bang some heads together to try to bring forward a new deal for the third world ?
22 Honoured by the Southern League , Harry was awarded a Benefit by the Palace in season 1914–15 , but whether this was ever taken up is uncertain because the designated game against Croydon Common could not be played on its original date , and by that time Harry was away in the services , where he was killed in action during the 1st World War .
23 In a few days time the nation will again pay lip service to the thousands killed in action during the Second World War , while preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic with a spectacular visit from a NATO fleet in May .
24 But I promised earlier in my speech that I would mention service in the Royal Artillery during the Second World War where he rose to the rank of Sergeant .
25 She was rebuilt into her present form at Cowlairs works in 1915 and served on the continent during the First World War .
26 It was restarted and , with the break during the First World War , flourished until 1920 .
27 Contingent economic agreements provided for a repeal of the US ban on the import of Soviet gold coins , the lifting of restrictions on Soviet borrowing from the US government 's Export-Import Bank ( which was expected to stimulate US companies ' interest in setting up joint ventures in the Soviet Union ) , and payment by the Soviet Union of a debt of US$674,000,000 owed for supplies furnished under the Lend-Lease programme during the Second World War .
28 Rhee had persistently sought recognition during the Second World War and badgered the American State Department frequently .
29 The Association is experiencing an increase in welfare casework , particularly from those who served in the Air Force during the Second World War , and who are now elderly and in need of our support .
30 It was one of revolution and civil war , following on from Russia 's collapse during the First World War .
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