Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] more than [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She has watched and sighed at the conveyor belt of busted rackets and aspirations — as successive decades of dewy-eyed schoolgirls have emerged from the manicured suburban court retreats in the romantic search for more than strawberries at Wimbledon .
2 She has watched and sighed at the conveyor belt of busted rackets and aspirations — as successive decades of dewy-eyed schoolgirls have emerged from the manicured suburban court retreats in the romantic search for more than strawberries at Wimbledon .
3 I had located the dreaded Carol easily enough and reclaiming the pendant had been a piece of cake , well , a piece of more than cake , actually .
4 If you 've not used the colour changer before , or not used your ribber for more than welts , it is wise to start by using the colour changer just to knit striped plain rib .
5 The Prussians could not industrialise the east because local commerce did not generate profits large enough to finance industrial investment , and because local agriculture could not support the bulk of the population at more than subsistence level .
6 My heart with more than lust .
7 RENTOKIL was quick off the mark yesterday when it decided to increase its dividend by more than earnings to compensate for the Chancellor 's decision to cut the tax credit on dividends from 25 per cent to 20 per cent .
8 It also has applications in field archaeology where financial or time constraints preclude excavation of more than part of a site , and where it is therefore important that the excavated part yields as much information as possible .
9 Human figures vary in size from more than life size down to only 3 or 4 centimetres in the so-called Miniature Frescoes .
10 Economic regeneration in the area has been supported through the allocation of more than ES million of urban programme resources .
11 The judges were also impressed by a striking cover portraying a woman and her daughter with the logo ‘ Fighting cancer with more than medicine ’ .
12 We will take 740,000 taxpayers out of taxation altogether by increasing the personal allowance and wife 's earned income allowance by more than inflation .
13 Not only did he own Werner Lines , a worldwide shipping empire with more than vessels in commission , but he had also branched out into the freight industry over the past four years and succeeded in cornering an important section of its competitive market by buying out a succession of small , struggling companies and amalgamating them under an experienced board of directors answerable only to him .
14 It was the first time in more than quarter of a century that the socialists had been returned to power .
15 She did n't have time to more than glance at it before two pairs of strong hands lifted her from the stools , and placed her unceremoniously on a table top .
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