Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [indef pn] more [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is by no means unheard of for a band to be offered a deal on nothing more than a ‘ concept ’ .
2 The occurrence of tapirs in South America and South East Asia , for instance , could be explained quite easily without recourse to anything more than minor changes in the earth 's conditions :
3 Charlotte : Charlotte is a wealthy woman in her early forties who views aromatherapy as nothing more than an upmarket beauty treatment .
4 It is also easier to stop the forward movement in this situation , since many models require a positive effort to make headway against anything more than a stiff breeze .
5 Though Edie became Vita 's final lover , and was with her when she died , she is unlikely to have treated homosexuality with anything more than tacit acceptance .
6 In the second year of recovery the recurrent cravings have mostly subsided and people in recovery develop progressively more insight into the nature of addictive disease in general and their own addictive disease in particular and also into the true , broader , meaning of recovery as something more than mere avoidance of previous addictive substances or behaviour .
7 The Divisional Court , presided over by the Lord Chief Justice , Lord Parker , emphasized that there had to be a ‘ real possibility ’ of a breach of the peace , but went on to find that just such a situation of menace existed here : eighteen people ‘ milling about ’ when there were only eight people in the works created a ‘ real danger of something more than mere picketing ’ .
8 In fact , he had no need of anything more than a lock of hair he showed me . ’
9 The misspelling may be because the child has not previously seen the word written down , but more likely because he has seen it in the context of his reading , without paying much attention to anything more than its contour — that is , he has recognised the word without having to decode it , and has understood it without giving its spelling structure close attention .
10 Each chariot is drawn by two fine Elven steeds and carries a single Tiranoc noble who controls the chariot with nothing more than a spoken word .
11 The efforts of the Russian Formalists were directed towards justifying the independent existence of literary studies , and transforming students of literature into something more than second-rate ethnographers , historians or philosophers .
12 The introduction of a geographical dimension at this level could be taken up even by those who saw evolution as something more than the selection of random variation .
13 Neither was there evidence of anything more than superficial surface treatment .
14 As a result of this potent combination of sentiment and self-interest , the war had assumed the character of something more than a military operation : in the minds of the military and of many civilians , left and right , it had quickly become a decisive test of France 's national will and international power .
15 And you can manufacture bucketfuls of this marvellous stuff from nothing more than kitchen waste .
16 They are unacceptable in drinking water in anything more than trace concentrations , and there is increasing evidence of organochlorine contamination in water-supply boreholes .
17 For the same motive Ackroyd is reluctant to broach the unfathomed topic of Dickens and sex ( once memorably described by John Carey as ‘ not a promising subject ’ ) : when Dickens went trawling through the prostitutional regions of Paris with Wilkie Collins , Ackroyd says that ‘ it is unlikely that Dickens himself ever took part in anything more than close observation ’ .
18 The Muslim cemetery of Um Al-Farajh was a field of rubble and undergrowth , distinguished over most of its area by nothing more than small mounds of earth and scattered , broken stones .
19 The ancient streets could perhaps have been left to enforce their own low driving speeds through their narrowness , their cobbled surfaces and their lack of visibility over anything more than a few metres .
20 This view has long been linked with those who have argued that the company should not be specially regulated by the state since it owed its existence to nothing more than a contract between individual property owners .
21 By doing this , the Chancellor was beginning to recognise the rights of the family against the grantee as something more than personal .
22 It has been a tactic of both supporters and opponents of economic and monetary union to play down the significance of these proposals , the first saying that monetary union will not significantly compromise sovereignty , the others sometimes dismissing talk of European union as nothing more than Euro-waffle .
23 In fact , this emphasis has misled many students of price theory to understand the notion of the entrepreneur as nothing more than the locus of profit-maximizing decision-making within the firm .
24 ‘ Such people , ’ I continue aloud , ‘ who are rendered suspect of nothing more than their swarthiness , are repulsive in their manifestation of a sinister attraction .
25 Rachel and Nicky love getting up to their elbows in gloop , a slimy mixture of nothing more than cornflour mixed with water and food colouring .
26 I defy anyone to enter upon altered states of reality with nothing more than a bottle of Trumper 's shampoo and an almost-empty tube of Guerlain 's Habit Rouge face balm .
27 As it also happens to be the only drinker on the Cherwell until you get to Islip , the murderous conspiracies and dark plots which so excite the Kidlington Kops amount to nothing more than the fact that when I opened my curtains that morning I saw the sun shining in a cloudless blue sky and decided to go for the longest and most pleasant of the river walks open to me .
28 I think it is worth emphasising that the agreement does not commit the Trust to anything more than regular monitoring of the Little Mill .
29 I 'm so damned tired after the drive down here that I doubt I 'll have the energy for anything more than sleep . ’
30 Because Nicholas himself had entertained such dreams in passing , Pogodin could be accused at this stage of nothing more than super-patriotism .
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