Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [unc] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There is a growing trend towards greater protection for journalists ' sources in Europe , according to Ms D'Souza .
2 The role which the tutor should adopt is that of a sounding board for students ' ideas and suggestions .
3 Several other Scottish education authorities — including Dumfries and Galloway , Highland , Tayside and Strathclyde — have already developed strong anti-smoking policies , though none is thought to have rejected the case for smokers ' areas .
4 Nutt was noncommittal about riders ' protests .
5 Editor , — Michael Dewey 's plea for authors ' rights brought back painful memories , for we have recently suffered the writer 's equivalent of torture at the hands of the editors of a journal published by the BMA .
6 Some trade unions argued that free time was as important as perhaps even more important than — money in the struggle for workers ' rights .
7 On the other hand , a Club with a low rating for children 's facilities , for example , does not necessarily mean it is unsuitable for all families , simply that it is likely to have fewer facilities for children .
8 In addition , Mary Wilson was also a keen campaigner for women 's brothels and contributed an essay to The Voluptarian Cabinet on this subject under the title Adultery on the Part of Married Women , and Fornication on the Part of Old maids and Widows defended by Mary Wilson , Spinster , with Plans for Promoting the same , Addressed to the Ladies of the Metropolis and its Environs .
9 A spirited campaigner for women 's rights and for abortion at a time when birth-control was practically unavailable , Beatrice was sometimes incomprehensible and hysterical in her arguments , driven by her exposed position to extremes .
10 There were many highlights in her career as a campaigner for women 's rights , but it may be that her greatest contribution was the way she inspired others .
11 Enthusiasm for children 's books is n't the only thing that 's infectious in Egypt . ’
12 In the case of secular centres , most burghs had strips of land leading back from the market-place for burghers ' houses , vegetable plots and space for livestock .
13 We will ease the transition from the present wasteful and inefficient price support mechanism to market prices and direct support for farmers ' incomes to achieve environmental and social goals , to be funded by savings made from the present intervention payment system .
14 Mr Maxwell said that his alterations — which he would make for publication in his newspapers — were to substitute the term ombudsman for readers ' representatives and to widen the clause in the code of practice which refers to non-payment of criminals to include those benefiting from a criminal act .
15 The announcement that Mr Hunt , as current Employment Secretary , would take over responsibility for women 's affairs was made at last week 's Tory Women 's Conference and sparked outrage from Labour MPs and women 's lobby groups .
16 As Employment Secretary she will also have responsibility for women 's issues .
17 As it happens , the department is also seeing changes under the Tories , with the new Secretary of State , Gillian Shephard , gaining responsibility for women 's issues and losing tourism .
18 The structural change in England and Wales was accompanied by a change in central government organization , whereby the Home Office 's responsibility for children 's services was passed over to the Department of Health and Social Security , which was already responsible for other welfare services .
19 In this model the curriculum for teachers ' colleges and the examination system for both schools and colleges are closely linked with school curriculum development .
20 First , on the ’ liability for others ' acts ’ point , the Bill contains safeguards — as my hon. and learned Friend knows from his study of it — when the accused can show that the aggravating event occurred before he committed his basic offence or that he was not near the vehicle at the time .
21 And manager Ray McHale is to get a £50,000 boost for players ' wages at a time when most clubs are planning drastic cut-backs .
22 A tension between officials ' perceptions of equity and efficacy is , for them , a familiar dilemma .
23 Government industrial policy could make all the difference between a demoralising defeat for workers ' initiatives taken at enterprise level , and the development of inspiring examples of ‘ workers ’ plans ' for socially useful production , popular accountability of management and workers ' self-management .
24 There was no significant association between teachers ' years in the profession and any of the attitudes represented by these factors .
25 A 10-point programme for children 's rights adopted at the summit included ( i ) the reduction of infant and under-five mortality by one-third to 50 and 70 per 1,000 respectively by the year 2000 ; ( ii ) the reduction by half of severe malnutrition in children under five ; and ( iii ) basic and primary education for at least 80 per cent of children .
26 The first World Summit on Children sponsored by UNICEF in September adopted a 10-point programme for children 's rights [ see p. 37732 ] based on a series of recommendations contained in the State of the World 's Children 1988 report .
27 The wide-ranging designs include a teddy bear switch for children 's bedrooms .
28 Hall 's ( 1979 ) examination of the Evangelists highlights the notion that home is the most appropriate setting for women 's lives .
29 Davidoff et al ( 1976 ) in a seminal paper , made connections between the idea that home is the ideal setting for women 's lives and the supposition that rural villages are ideal contexts for community life in a wider setting .
30 These are in turn explained by two interacting factors , either of which is a sufficient condition for women 's earnings to lag behind those of men : on one hand , the gendered division of family labour , and on the other , unequal treatment of men and women in the labour market .
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