Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun pl] which " in BNC.

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1 Looking back over some lectures I gave in the early 1980s , I note that the division between the schools which could raise money and those which could not was even then causing me concern .
2 Part IV makes comprehensive and detailed provision for the matters which the court is to take into account in deciding the question of suitability .
3 This set-up allowed Thomson to compute the ratio of charge to mass for the particles which the experiment seemed to show must compose the rays .
4 At Gwynedd Education Committee , Coun Jill Knight called for funding for the units which serve the special needs of young children , leading to their integration into mainstream schooling .
5 Hilton is aware that the Incarnation must always be the starting-point for reforming in feeling , and only through the processes of faith and penance for the sins which deform the body of Christ can the soul come to see the reality of the being of God in man — Christ : It is this ghostly love that the soul glimpses in the darkness , and in doing so experiences the reality of the resurrected and ascended Christ who comes to man in the Holy Spirit and completes the story of the Incarnation .
6 Distribution services department gained a Gold Award for the improvements which it had brought about in road haulier performance .
7 The outcomes may range from complete correction to the professional satisfaction of the engineer , to an adjustment to the areas of responsibility between the parties which may result , in extreme cases , in the engineer contracting out of further responsibility or abandoning his or her engagement .
8 I decided that a rapid look through the papers which were piled into two filing trays on Jefferson 's desk was my best bet .
9 Does not the right hon. Gentleman realise that he is setting an obstacle course for the courts which will make it more difficult for them to pass tough sentences in serious cases ?
10 Let us assume that someone , speaking of George , utters : ( 10 ) he certainly did n't make the comments audible On the assumption that the adjective is here a predicate qualifier , George is innocent of responsibility for the comments which were audible , if indeed there have been any such remarks at all .
11 ‘ You can scarcely conceive ’ , she wrote , ‘ how the jarring contrast between the sounds which are now for-ever ringing in my ears and the sweet sounds of Allfoxden makes me long for the country again . ’
12 You should always be on the lookout for the markings which can be transformed to suit your own ends .
13 There is widespread recognition that nearly all discussions of international peace and security over the last 45 years , and of policy implications for the UK , have been informed by the protracted global confrontation between the superpowers which has only recently , and so dramatically , crumbled .
14 The two men maintained contact and Frank Francis-Francis often visited Henley and provided a seat for the Artisans which was given , in turn , to the Club in 1971 .
15 So far , in our search for the forces which create coherence , we have examined some of the other factors in communication .
16 Indeed part of the drive towards modern science in the West was the search for the laws which God had in fact chosen to apply to the world ; experiment as well as deductive reasoning were necessary to find them out .
17 Consequently we find the characteristics of Jesus being stressed time and again throughout the New Testament as the qualities which the Holy Spirit seeks to produce in Christ 's people .
18 Stephen Dedalus 's uncertainty about the relations which can be sustained between word and world shows , in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man , the epistemological concerns of modernism .
19 ( Dulcie Howes pointed out that he should have written ‘ borders ’ , the theatre term for the cloths which mask the ‘ flies ’ — platforms above the stage — from public view .
20 Nurses , who watch groups of older people getting together to role-play interactions with professionals , learn a great deal about the barriers which busy professionals put up in order to avoid real communication .
21 ( Such transcripts can also reveal a great deal about the processes which might be involved in language production , as we will see in Chapter 8 . )
22 " Then you had better start exploring the coast for the villages which still build , own and crew these prahus .
23 Within English itself there was already some awareness of the need to ensure that the discipline could touch the student of science : " The student of the physical and social sciences is not a disembodied intelligence , and he too can gain much from that purifying of the emotions which is still one of the most valuable gifts of the literary artist to posterity .
24 The author showed shrewd perception of the powers which could be exercised by commercial blockade or by boycott , and he specifically indicates wool and tin as English products which were necessary to the Flemings , who could be brought under pressure by a withdrawal of supplies .
25 However , there are a number of attractive and promising schemes under very active development at the moment , but the sea is such a hostile environment — it 's corrosive , force is involved for anything sitting on the surface as they are exposed to the force of the waves which is colossal , and if they are on the sea bed then perhaps there are maintenance problems , and getting the electricity ashore has not yet been solved .
26 This course allows students to extend their knowledge and understanding of the modern world , and to gain an appreciation of the elements which characterize the 19th and 20th centuries .
27 An appreciation of the interests which underlie holist and individualist modes of explanation can not be gained by thought alone .
28 Nor is there any mention of the problems which would arise if ( as seems likely ) different franchisees decided to offer different levels of discount on their ‘ discount rate ’ tickets .
29 There is no mention of the doubts which ( probably unworthily ) still surround the name of Hollis himself .
30 ‘ When a site is looted , it is not the loss of the artefacts which is the real tragedy , it is the loss of their context which can tell us everything about those objects .
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