Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 What starts as a mild downturn becomes a severe recession through the reaction of risk-averse , highly leveraged businesses .
2 And shipping lines are exploring the technique as a way of stripping paint and barnacles from hulls .
5 Michael also has a record out on Music Maker Records , so catch Mr Fath in London and see what he means by ‘ technique as a result of harmony … ’
6 MICHAEL FATH Technique As A Result Of Harmony THE DORIAN MODE
8 MICHAEL FATH Technique as a Result of Harmony THE SEVENTH & MINOR SEVENTH
9 There was no quantitative work and later ecologists dismissed this whole technique as an example of exactly what they were trying to avoid .
10 ‘ Was that … was that the hospital ? ’ she asked , a numbing dread about the fate of her cousin suddenly driving all else from her mind .
11 Thus the duty of care prevents directors from acting wholly unreasonably ; the duty of loyalty ensures that their decisions are not biased ; and the duty to act bona fide in the interests of the company and not for any improper purpose is almost identical in its formulation as a standard of review to the administrative law test striking down decisions which are taken for an improper purpose .
12 Events such as the extension of the franchise , the seizure of power by working-class parties , the fractionated and conflictual basis of state institutions , the crucial mediating role played by state bureaucracy , the higher material and social benefits granted to the working class and , perhaps most importantly , the fact that the forms of political representation and state intervention in different countries have shown remarkable dissimilarities over time and space , have all been difficult to accommodate within Marx 's and Engels 's original formulation about the nature of power in capitalist societies .
13 Two people are awaiting trial in connection with the attack , but 5 others , including Howard Banton , chief clerk for a firm of solicitors in the town , have appeared in court at Cheltenham , accused of conspiring to pervert the course of justice by plotting to persuade a witness to withdraw a statement .
14 Erm , resolution that Synod appoints Jo , John as Synod clerk for a period of up to three years to commence at a date mutually convenient to him and the present Synod clerk .
15 It was designed in the Grecian style by Edward Taylor , a York architect who used red brick for the body of the building and stone for the dressings .
16 When I first came to the region I had thoughts of using a bike for a lot of short travelling .
17 I would be on my bike for the rest of my life , stuck on the stopping train to nowhere .
18 Although firms may use a variety of contractual and structural techniques to try to deal with these problems , the uncertainty surrounding the extent to which it is possible to exclude or modify fiduciary obligations by contract or disclosure and consent , and as to the extent to which the use of Chinese walls provides protection as a matter of private law against allegations of breach of fiduciary duty , means that these techniques can not be relied upon exclusively .
19 Again without apology to Jonathon Porritt , I would say we are defining animal welfare as the quality of environment as perceived by the animal and we are defining environment protection as the quality of environment as perceived by us .
20 Ian Taylor draws attention to the church building as a continuation of the Druid groves :
21 Internally , some evidence of the building 's commercial use remained — notably the shaft and pulleys of a large wooden rope-hauled hoist , sited close to the apex of the roof space , which the present owner has carefully restored and integrated into the building as a relic of its former use .
22 The plane jerks across the screen in its bombing run , the camera panning wildly to the building as a cloud of grey and white smoke blossoms from its interior .
23 ‘ I would urge the RUC to take every appropriate step to ensure the maximum degree of protection for every citizen of Belfast , ’ the south Belfast councillor added .
24 The same method using netting would make effective protection for a bed of a dozen or more high-yielding strawberry plants .
25 Dage has introduced an improved version of its disposable user comfort and increased protective coverall , offering enhanced protection for a variety of industrial and commercial applications .
26 ‘ Designer ’ black became the epitome of good taste : a defence against true style and protection for a multitude of sins .
27 They seem likely to continue to do so even after the reserve policy has been replaced by an interim policy of providing maintained protection for a list of specific products with the potential to compete with foreign products .
28 And the motion by Councillor Jack Newell went further … also demanding protection for the families of murder victims .
29 3 Support The right of support and protection for the benefit of the Premises as is now enjoyed from all other parts of the Centre It is suggested that this right strengthens the landlord 's covenant for quiet enjoyment , and the only question is as to whether to extend it to include 'shelter " , but this is probably unnecessary .
30 The outcome of these cases is that the Chinese wall has not been seen as providing satisfactory protection for the interests of the former client and , despite the existence of a Chinese wall , the courts have required the law firms not to act on behalf of the new client .
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