Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There is no simple division between left and right , and little evidence to support the easy sneer that those supporting military action by a Democratic president would have opposed it by a Republican one : the Nation , the country 's leading magazine of the left , is dead against intervention .
2 Thus , logically , any generally available additional provision for deaf or partially blind or disturbed children , and others such as dyslexic children , was not special educational provision .
3 All three of these organisations make provision for non-professional as well as professional church musicians .
4 Federal funding for the arts occupies a tiny part of the national budget , but in the last administration became a cause celèbre when the question of National Endowment for the Arts ' occasional support for provocative and sexually explicit art aroused the fury of conservatives led by Senator Jesse Helms , who whipped up popular support for a move to curb or cut the N.E.A. 's budget .
5 The multinational drug companies are often exploiting that knowledge in their constant search for new and more profitable drugs .
6 Though game theory has been criticised , we believe it can be helpful if used critically to explore the possible structure of conflicts , rather than to search for neat but probably illusory ‘ answers ’ .
7 A little further down the line , we are introduced to hard disc recording , intent on replacing tape for good and just beginning to enter the field of the home user in terms of price .
8 But this organisation makes it a permanent pleasure for blind and partially sighted people . ’
9 Next it cut the steep mountainside between Great and Little How Crags , where , at about the 2,100 ft. contour , the 17th Century miners had — by means of open-cut and tunnel — opened their Black Scar Workings .
10 And as Stavrogin describes his search after new and ever stronger and more bizarre sensations , and as he laments his boredom , and as suicide is touched on , tracts of Crime and Punishment open up again : but without the astral , feathering humour of America , anatomy , and ordinary ghosts .
11 Mr Reynolds will require a great deal of psychological as well as physical preparation for surgery .
12 There may be some truth in the claim that there are problems in seeking to postulate ‘ a transcendental ideal of which the historical actualities are a succession of mundane and therefore imperfect , compromised manifestations ’ , and that the term religion is not something ‘ that can be formulated and externalized into an observable pattern theoretically abstractible from the persons who live it ’ .
13 An appreciation of strong as well as subtle contrast is important , however : the brilliant effects of the predominantly geometric mosaics at Silchester , Hants. , or the famous millefiori effects at the neck and around the bodies of canthari ( e.g. Neal 1981 , no. 16 ) are notable .
14 It will be remembered for contemporary art 's declining audience , with many exhibitions attracting very little interest , and for the closure of noted and less established galleries .
15 Any improvements , if they occur , are likely to be slow and gradual and as much the result of long-term and somewhat extraneous factors .
16 Held : A person who negligently starts a fire is liable for injuries suffered by a fireman while attempting to put out the fire , regardless of whether the particular injuries suffered by the fireman were reasonably foreseeable or whether the injuries were suffered as the result of exceptional or merely ordinary risks undertaken by the fireman .
17 With few exceptions , labor violence was the result of isolated and usually unplanned acts on a picket line , or occurred on a prohibited parade or demonstration protesting employer obduracy or police brutality .
18 ‘ It follows therefore that every citizen has a right to criticise an inefficient or corrupt government without fear of civil as well as criminal prosecution .
19 Looking back to the period between the two world wars and even to that of 1939–45 , any newcomer to the scene would have foreseen nothing other than a future of amicable and mutually beneficial co-operation .
20 These differences may be significant given the potency of large and relatively prolonged aggregations for producing epidemics in experiments .
21 The practice of temporary and then
22 The point Herrnstein 's ‘ anti-hereditarians ’ are trying to make deals , not with the obvious genetic roots of an individual 's intelligence , but , first , the exact meaning of this thing we call ‘ intelligence ’ and , secondly , the impossibility of separating and then quantifying the amount of intelligence which is inherited and the amount which is subject to change .
23 It is the symbolic violence of the teenager on the terraces , which spills over into the odd affray with visiting gangs that is more typical than the premeditated violence of disturbed or habitually aggressive individuals , who see football as a kind of arena for serious assault with little risk of arrest .
24 Note-successions can be exactly the same ( as in the series ) , but it is their rhythmic configuration which determines whether they form melody of classical or completely non-classical character .
25 Economic gains may flow from this process through unscrambling previous misconceived acquisitions , for example , or simply from an injection of fresh and more dynamic management .
26 The emphasis on athleticism , power play , sustained long-ball assaults , blitzkrieg , has bred a proliferation of muscular but blunderingly naive defenders who appear to be alarmingly , untidily vulnerable when required to cope with more subtle forms of attack ; show them dribblers , runners with the ball or an incisive exchange of sharp passes , and panic sets in .
27 The value then of a political product ( produced of course by the professionals in the political field ) is dependent on two factors : ( 1 ) the symbolic capital of the political agent and his/her party ( political-symbolic capital includes the holding of party posts and the holding of local and less major national offices ; its maximization entails hyperconformity to social norms ) and ( 2 ) the extent to which these political symbols ( Bourdieu likens them to ‘ signifiers ’ ) corresponds to the interests and central meanings ( ‘ signifieds ’ ) of stratified consumers in the social .
28 Heat chicken stock with peeled and finely shredded garlic cloves .
29 MR MAJOR appealed to the nation last night not to turn its back on 13 years of Conservative rule as the latest opinion polls showed the Tories narrowing the gap with Labour but still facing the prospect of losing power .
30 A comparison of the three Gospels shows not only that they have a great deal in common but also that , in many cases , the wording of individual stories is either identical or very similar ( for example , compare Mark 2:3–12 ; Matt.
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