Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 President Reagan found it difficult to reduce the US budget deficit for the same reasons .
2 Since so much had been done peacefully through economic change , population increases , emigration and Parliamentary legislation , it is not surprising that ministers , like others , naturally assumed that progress through the same channels would continue ad infinitum .
3 Gould was immediately attracted to the art of lithography for the same reasons as Lear — the relative inexpensiveness of production and the lack of training required — but he also saw great potential for Lear 's large-size format and colourful plates , which could , Gould thought , if properly promoted and well managed , prove extremely lucrative .
4 Results obtained by the direct detection of the mRNA concentration , quantified by spectrophotometric measuring in CE , correlated well with the values by quantitative RT-PCR of the same samples .
5 Bornstein ( 1979 ) provides an extended analysis of the different systems which have been devised as a result of the same pressures described above for Signed Swedish .
6 It will be based on fifty in-depth life story interviews with a random sample taken from the British Household Panel Study , which would enable the possibility of a later follow-up study of the same interviewees at or after retirement .
7 The research follows an earlier ( 1987 ) successful study of the same issues for the period c.1660-1770 which was financed for three months byu The Nuffield Foundation and aided by a British Academy grant for travel and consumables .
8 Those who saw him freeze into immobility against Mike Tyson before crashing to the canvas in the first round in July 1990 believe they are seeing now a repeat of the same symptoms .
9 The transfection experiments using constructions encompassing oligonucleotides I or III and the HSV-tk promoter demonstrated a less pronounced increase in transcription ( 2 to 3 times ) compared with the effect of the same sequences when located in the context of the entire promoter ( quotient ΔX/Δ63 in Figure 1 ) .
10 More specifically , Palladio 's clients were in search of the same satisfactions as many eighteenth-century aristocrats , who also wished , when called from town to their estates , to combine the life of a gentleman farmer with that of a cultivated humanist .
11 The Court held on the one hand that the protection of the Directive was a matter of public policy and so the worker could not trade away his right under the Directive to the maintenance of the same terms and conditions , even if ‘ the employee obtains new benefits in compensation for the disadvantages resulting from an amendment to his contract of employment so that , taking the matter as a whole , he is not placed in a worse position than before ’ ( point 15 ) .
12 Her small shape is gone , for ever , replaced by a void of the same dimensions .
13 RANGERS , who ended Motherwell 's reign as Tennant 's Scottish Cup holders last season , begin their defence of the trophy against the same opponents next month .
14 These can only be identified with certainty by " replaying " the search with the same programs and files .
15 Values of specific mRNA obtained by CE and RT-PCR from the same samples .
16 If then any acts of animals are analogous to human acts and spring from the same principles we have duties towards the animals because thus we cultivate the corresponding duties towards human beings .
17 She realised with a suppressed groan that she was forced to justify herself to the chief superintendent in the same terms as she had defended herself against Christine Mills .
18 Held , refusing the declarations , that a basic valuation prepared by an employee of a building society was an ‘ action taken by the society in relation to ’ the grant of a further advance within section 83(1) of the Act and since it constituted part of the society 's process of administration , such a valuation , if negligently prepared , could amount to maladministration within paragraph 1 ( d ) of Part III to Schedule 12 to the Act ; that , on the documentation used by the plaintiff societies , a house buyers ' valuation prepared by an employee created a contract between the society and the borrower , which if negligently prepared could amount to a breach of the society 's contractual obligation within paragraph 1 ( a ) of Part III to Schedule 12 ; that although the alleged want of due skill and care might relate to matters not affecting the society 's assessment of the adequacy of the security , the valuation was in reality a single process amounting to an action within section 83(1) ; and that , accordingly , the ombudsman had jurisdiction under the scheme set up under the Act to investigate and determine complaints arising out of basic valuations , house buyers ' valuations , and , since there was no relevant distinction in the nature of the contractual relationship , structural surveys by a society 's employee in the same circumstances ( post , pp. 145A–H , 150B — 151A , H — 152A ) .
19 However , not all languages have a grammatical category of number , and those that do do not necessarily view countability in the same terms .
20 The effectiveness of gastric acid suppression was tested in an independent study on the same dogs .
21 They depend as a rule on the same sorts of schematic stimulus-recognition systems and simple processing seen in less elaborate behaviour .
22 By working at the maltings was carrying on a tradition started by his grandfather , who had been a leading maltster at the same maltings .
23 Slightly smaller that the real balusters , the Magdalen Birdtable is hand-turned on a lathe by the same stonemasons who are rebuilding the bridge parapet .
24 It defines a cultural good by the same criteria as the above directive .
25 I got caught with all these drugs in a car by the same police ( I do n't know what I do , but it 's the same police every time I get arrested ) and I got charged with possession .
26 In a clinical study by the same authors , a histamine 2 receptor antagonist histamine combination resulted in enhanced survival over untreated controls .
27 These trends are paralleled in the major centres , thereby reinforcing the suggestion that individual groups of sites may have been the responsibility of the same builders .
28 Here Trogus introduces a note of realism which is echoed by Livy when he describes how at the beginning of the second century B.c. a third of the Greeks of Ampurias — a secondary settlement of the same Phocaeans — manned their walls every night in fear of the neighbouring Jberians ( 34.9 ) .
29 The mutual recognition provisions apply where applications are made simultaneously or within a short interval of one another for admission of the same securities to official listing on stock exchanges in two or more member states .
30 There is no special law allowing A , B , and C to meet together in the open air or elsewhere for a lawful purpose , but the right of A to go where he pleases so that he does not commit a trespass , and to say what he likes to B so that his talk is not libellous or seditious , the right of B to do the like , and the existence of the same rights of C , D , E , and F and so on ad infinitum , lead to the consequence that A , B , C , D and a thousand or ten thousand other persons , may ( as a general rule ) meet together in any place where otherwise they each have a right to be for a lawful purpose and in a lawful manner .
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