Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This course provides a valuable preparation for entry to areas such as industry and commerce , public administration , education , and the media .
2 There is special provision for injury to trespassers by dangerous animals .
3 Is it a convention of the Constitution that the government of the day must consult with interested bodies before formulating a legislative measure for presentation to Parliament ?
4 The college in question identified a number of emblematic companies operating in commercial/industrial sectors in which the college had corresponding courses ranging from engineering and electronics through marketing to beauty therapy and graphic design .
5 As far as the residence requirements were concerned , the Commission considered that , as it stated in its communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas ( Official Journal 1989 No .
6 The Commission 's communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas ( Official Journal 1989 No .
7 The Commission communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas was not appropriate to resolve that conflict , because it did not tackle the problem of the effective exploitation of the catch quotas allocated to the member states .
8 The Commission points out that , in is communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas ( Official Journal 1989 No .
9 Working class women 's groups and the Workers ' Birth Control Group , formed in 1924 , which played a major part in the struggle for access to birth control information , also found it impossible to ignore the maternalist framework in their campaign .
10 Personal ornaments , including jade buttons of floral design , bracelets , pendants , hair-pins and ear-rings , emphasised still further the link between access to jade and high official status .
11 Local disk caching , connection-oriented protocol support for access to NFS servers over low-speed links and RSA for increased security and authentication will be added to Solaris in 1993 .
12 Newcastle are a team that are pushing Scum close as ‘ bastards I most hope get demoted to division 3 & loose a play off final to Scarborough ’ .
13 The necessity for submission to greatness had now come to be placed in stark opposition to a scholarly pluralism .
14 The shop assistant asked her to sign a receipt , telling her that this was because the cleaners took no responsibility for damage to beads and sequins on the dress .
15 then entrance requirements for SCE candidates and GCE candidates separately : these include the normal minimum grades required for admission in terms of SCE Highers or GCE A-levels , and any specific subject qualifications required ( such as Higher or A-level Physics for entry to degrees in Engineering ) .
16 ‘ I always felt the pull between loyalty to ICI and a working life I enjoyed and the thought that someone else was looking after my children ’ .
17 The central relationship in the novel between Serena and Stella is emblematic of the contrast between adaptation to convention and rebellion .
18 The miners took their fight for survival to Downing Street yesterday with a 638,000-name petition opposing the closures .
19 The full description of a line segment for input to GIMMS is :
20 She asked about its contents and was told that the terms merely protected the cleaners from liability for damage to sequins and beads .
21 The term ‘ carrier ’ seems to have been coined in Anglo-American legal discourse largely to aid in the assessment of liability for damage to cargo .
22 The company was bound by the representation and could only rely on the exclusion clause to exclude liability for damage to beads and sequins .
23 As one patient ironically points out : ‘ It 's really strange for you to bring a play about madness to Broadmoor — we are so protected from it here . ’
24 He looked inside the cover and noticed how Sir Ralph had scrawled prayer after prayer to St Julian .
25 Gerard in Sybil explains the advantages of the monastery as landowner to Lord Mamey 's troubled younger brother , Egremont .
26 I finished the final draft with Mrs Perera in an intensive session of eight hours one hot June Sunday , starting in her garden in Cheshire and ending towards midnight with the dispatch of the document by express courier for delivery to Mr Baker in London on the Monday .
27 Henlys pre-tax loss for year to December 31 was £848,000 ( £6.8m loss ) .
28 Oliver Group pre-tax loss for year to December 31 was £12.6m ( £10.7m loss ) .
29 Programme for transition to market economy
30 It has given the go-ahead — and a $3 million grant — to a British company which plans to manufacture soap containing mercuric iodide for export to Africa , where it is used to lighten skin colour .
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