Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] but [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And would they still get the income support after that but still at a reduced rate or not ?
2 Though game theory has been criticised , we believe it can be helpful if used critically to explore the possible structure of conflicts , rather than to search for neat but probably illusory ‘ answers ’ .
3 The aim is to keep the beer in a drinkable condition for longer but both systems interfere with the maturation of the beer and deliver an unpleasantly fizzy pint .
4 The emphasis on athleticism , power play , sustained long-ball assaults , blitzkrieg , has bred a proliferation of muscular but blunderingly naive defenders who appear to be alarmingly , untidily vulnerable when required to cope with more subtle forms of attack ; show them dribblers , runners with the ball or an incisive exchange of sharp passes , and panic sets in .
5 An instrument of smaller but yet great importance was the " talkie cinema " acquired by the School at about the same time .
6 MR MAJOR appealed to the nation last night not to turn its back on 13 years of Conservative rule as the latest opinion polls showed the Tories narrowing the gap with Labour but still facing the prospect of losing power .
7 A comparison of the three Gospels shows not only that they have a great deal in common but also that , in many cases , the wording of individual stories is either identical or very similar ( for example , compare Mark 2:3–12 ; Matt.
8 It would seem , then , that de la Broquière 's statement not only provides good evidence of the existence of the office of Mufti in 836/1433 but also suggests that the Mufti was by then recognizably the chief representative of the spiritual authority of the Seriat , the chief representative of the religious aspect of the state .
9 In 1987 he returned to the UK not only with fluency in Japanese but also with a Japanese wife , Nako .
10 I mean yesterday was yesterday really was there was n't a deal of wind at all but bloody sandstorm
11 Providing patients with information on admission to hospital and throughout their stay may be acknowledged as an important part of nursing but frequently , discharge is a very rushed affair .
12 As a Cheltenham magistrate Cranog Jones has sat in judgement of many but tonight he 's waiting for a jury to delever it 's verdict on him .
13 Most of the canvas is blown by the wind n the fore and middle grounds , while a strip of distant but finely detailed farmhouses , trees and human paraphenalia grips the top of the canvas .
14 The party 's ‘ new political thinking ’ , by contrast , recognised the existence of a complex and contradictory world in which there were threats to the survival of humanity as such but also great opportunities for coexistence and cooperation .
15 Popular participation in electoral politics began to flag after 1951 but arguably this was because most people felt less urgency as regards political change ; there was no strong and deep-going popular reaction against the government .
16 We could not identify all such workers as complete records have not survived and instead used the closest approximations possible — namely , records incorporating home address of all those ( more than 17000 ) attending the medical centre at the Sullom Voe oil terminal in Shetland during its construction phase ( believed to represent a high proportion of all but short stay workers ) ; 3500 construction workers at the Flotta oil terminal in Orkney ( incomplete data ) ; and more than 10000 offshore workers , being all those who obtained an offshore survival certificate ( required for such work ) in Scotland in the period from June 1976 ( the earliest date for which records have not been destroyed ) to 1980 .
17 In an act of admirable but ultimately misguided loyalty , the national coach Andy Roxburgh stood by his dispirited keeper .
18 Further north , between the Cannington thrust and the Variscan Front , is a zone of folded but apparently quite unmetamorphosed ranks represented prominently at outcrop by the Carboniferous Limestone .
19 This project monitors the food supply situation in Butare , and considers whether the food problem could be alleviated in the short run via small but ecologically advantageous changes in food production .
20 I did show in the Serpentine Gallery in 1975 but even that presented a problem of prudery which I did n't experience on the continent .
21 In the Senate , meanwhile , the Democrats held all the seats in the South in 1960 but only 68 per cent by 1972 .
22 Gardeners from the National Trust at Petworth Park , Sussex , have used Capability Brown 's original designs to plant a four-acre plot for which Brown had sketched out a plan in 1750 but never carried out .
23 Thus in R v Cornwall County Council , ex pCornwall and Isles of Scilly GALRO Panel ( 1991 ) The Times , 20 November an attempt to limit guardians to a maximum of 65 hours paid work in all but exceptionally complex cases was quashed .
24 Aerospace and electronics have been chosen as case studies , these sectors being representative of the defence sector in general but sufficiently different to provide useful comparisons .
25 Grayson played soccer for Parklands High School before going on to Preston College where he played a little rugby in 1989 but never thought of taking up the game .
26 This is evidenced not only by his insistence on self-discipline but also by his insistence on the realization of Truth through the service of others , and by means of ahi sā .
27 The young fry form into a shoal at first but later become behaviourally similar to other damsel , non-clownfish , species .
28 Well it 's a bit like that but instead of making it go round all the church it goes on to the tape .
29 The member for Worcester City was on this occasion one of the dozen or so gentlemen who , after most late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century general elections , as a sort of ritual but somewhat haphazard sacrifice to virtue made by an easy-going society , were unseated on petition for allegedly corrupt electoral practices .
30 One patient with Crohn 's colitis had CDAI of 376 ( main symptoms were diarrhoea and feeling unwell ) and scan score of 13.1 but only ‘ mild ’ inflammatory changes were demonstrated endoscopically and histologically .
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