Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] be a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That 's a bit that 's a bit risky is n't it ?
2 Calling our resources , uniting our activists , achieving by cooperation what we 've never achieved by wasteful competition , but then of course that 's a vision .
3 ‘ Of course that 's an exaggeration , but it illustrates the point , ’ said a local police source yesterday .
4 But of course that is a discussion which would be quite proper and er for us to have and for the board to take a view on and er for funders to comment on and so on and so forth .
5 of course that is a point that we 've made all the way through , it 's not if nobody would bid , it 's if the franchising director was not satisfied with the quality or the long term viability of the bids he 'd received
6 Erm another one we used to erm do of course that was a bit more adventuresome as we got older , what was called er Spirit Tapping .
7 Er but erm actually , I I , in erm erm sorry , er , but of course that was a bathroom , but we did n't have a blind up .
8 In her case this was a consequence of living with two women like Phoebe and Rachel .
9 Despite the penalties the recession and the increasingly sophisticated technology used by counterfeiters mean unlike the dinosaur this is a problem which wo n't go away but threatens to grow over the coming months .
10 Of course this is a work where even Karajan 's detractors can only suspend prejudice in the face of his two superlative versions on DG , but Rostropovich communicates a sense of stark yet searing tragedy which makes his performance , of the first movement in particular , very special .
11 It 's a good way of doing it , just saying , ‘ Well , my personal view is of course this is a tragedy .
12 Of course this is an illusion , but the exact nature of the change is now difficult to discern , except perhaps among such essentially novel agriculturalists as the settlers in the American West , ready to change farm and crop according to the prospects of prices or speculative profits , equipped with machinery and already buying the city 's products through the new-fangled device of the mail-order catalogue .
13 Of course this was a one-off : a meaningful spasm , as it were — a directional seizure of humours or sick pressures already present in society .
14 In large part this is a reflection of the underdeveloped state of industrial relations theory itself to whose improvement , by way of helping more general theory construction , well-designed comparative studies may be expected to contribute .
15 In part this is a consequence of differences in the habitual requirements of different species ; more than 82 per cent of the individuals belong to species whose larvae prey on aphids , whereas only 0–02 per cent belong to species that feed as larvae on tree sap or rotting wood , neither of which are a feature of gardens .
16 Most encouraging for the bookseller is the buoyant hardback market for genre titles : in part this is a result of the continuing proliferation of series which leave the poor punter desperate for the next instalment and willing to fork out the extra few bob for the hardcover .
17 In part this is a complaint about the inferior service these establishments offer .
18 In part this was a reflection of the great strain on small financial resources which building , maintaining and perhaps in time enlarging workhouses imposed , but it also reflected the greater difficulty in an effective and controlled administration of out-relief in the more anonymous and densely populated towns .
19 In part this was a tribute to the Scots , who disrupted brilliantly .
20 The monitor hypothesis This is a development of the first hypothesis and suggests that acquisition processes create the utterances in a second language ( producing fluency ) , but learning monitors this production .
21 Figure 6.9 is a reminder that the AL of maintaining a safe environment is related to the other ALs and also to the other components of the model for nursing .
22 Cafe Direct is a consortium of four different organizations , one of which is Traidcraft , another is Oxfam , and th there 're two other fair-trading organizations as well , called Equal Exchange and Twin Trading .
23 Gambler 's card This is a trick which completely baffles people .
24 For the Lazarsfeldian programme this is a matter , though not a simple one , of selecting and refining indices .
25 Despite all its potency this is a car which always leaves the driver firmly in control .
26 In effect this was a period of withdrawal from a rigidly structured police world to a world turned upside down ; where , in a ‘ counter-cultural ’ way , we were to find that the strict terms of reference we had carefully built up over the years no longer seemed to have relevance .
27 In effect this was a time when new worlds and new social structures were being forged ; and in many ways we were closer to the world of the underground than that of the moral majority , for we were walking the same ground and like many in the alternative society were ( somewhat unsystematically ) following an essential and perennial theme of history — that of man 's journey as ‘ hero ’ .
28 For the first few weeks of term this was a problem .
29 To the first pleasure this was a cataclysm .
30 ( ii ) The ‘ 10 minute ’ rule This is a development of the method of introducing a Bill by motion now rarely used in the case of Government Bills and it is extremely rare for legislation to result from its use for Private Members ' Bill purposes .
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