Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With regard to the actual mechanics of testing , it is of course possible to apply the load to each specimen directly , by means of weights .
2 At times it seemed a bit strange to have a university degree and be working so physically hard but in many ways those three years were a very good period .
3 Anne and Dad both bought her paintings and displayed them prominently , and Cameron used his fee from a sanitary napkin commercial to finance an exhibition in London .
4 It is sometimes argued that indirect taxes are , in welfare terms , preferable to direct taxes , as they leave the taxpayer free to make a choice .
5 A simple air pressure control valve as used in aircraft is shown in Figure 7.10 to illustrate the procedure .
6 A simple air pressure control valve as used in aircraft is shown in Figure 7.10 to illustrate the procedure .
7 Darlington Memorial Hospital should see increased income from GP fund-holders in the coming year with a North Yorkshire practice due to become a fund-holder from April 1 .
8 The pianist due to play a concerto in public spends many hours in practising the techniques of using his instrument that the piece requires .
9 The use of English forms was also clear in a notable example where the English expression to dress-up forced signer 2 to make the sign DRESS with an upward movement ( which means to UNDRESS in BSL ) when the BSL sign properly carries a downward movement .
10 Mr Sawar could use the set-off effect of Rule 4.90 to reduce the debt owned to BCCI .
11 In contrast , the Antarctic stratosphere with its PSCs provides conditions which prevent the usual reactions between chlorine and nitrogen compounds , so leaving chlorine free to deplete the ozone .
12 In contrast to Montgomerie , Gilford , who won in Agadir with a nine-under-par 279 to retain the title , and runner-up Spence , who finished on 280 with Stephen Ames of Trinidad and Tobago , flew home well satisfied with their four days ' work .
13 During the summer of 1716 , a sensitive time since i August marked the anniversary of King George 's alleged usurpation of the throne , considerable unrest occurred in London where taverns associated with the Whigs were attacked by mobs which would break up the premises but leave enough of the stock undamaged to drink the health of ‘ James III ’ .
14 Neither are subsequent hearings of this album likely to cause the listener to shout ‘ Christ almighty !
15 On one occasion , ‘ action likely to cause a breach of the peace ’ was invoked by Kent police successfully to turn miners back at the Dartford tunnel , over 100 miles from their intended destination .
16 Neither is an overexcited horse likely to win a showjumping contest , because at every jump he is likely to get more and more excited and to concentrate less and less on what he is meant to be doing .
17 This raises the more general question of the overall policy and practice likely to influence the nature and scope of residential social work in years to come .
18 For this care I award forty thousand pounds per year and take as a multiplier the figure three to give a sum of one hundred and twenty thousand for the first period .
19 The appellant appealed on grounds , not raised below , that the judge had no power under Order 5 , rule 5 to entertain an application by the defendant for enforcement against the appellant of the plaintiff 's judgment against the defendant and that any claim by the defendant against the appellant was statute barred .
20 Accordingly the county court judge had no power under Order 5 , rule 5 to make the order by which , on the defendant 's application , the appellant was ordered to pay £861 .
21 It seemed as if , after eighteen months of complete stalemate on the Western Front , with neither side able to make a breakthrough , the subordinate German commanders at Verdun had lost confidence to succeed where so many others had failed .
22 A mortgage valuation may be considered sufficient for a lending institution able to spread the risk across many loans , and which also has the benefit of the security of each borrower 's income as well as the property .
23 We tried in Chapter 3 to give an account of their procedures .
24 Only with levels of NCp7 which completely cover the DNA was the protein able to protect the DNA from digestion ( data not shown ) .
25 Under STV there are multimember constituencies , with each elector able to indicate a preference on the ballot paper , putting the number 1 beside the name of the candidate most preferred , number 2 against the name of the elector 's second choice , and so on .
26 That will decide whether we have a mining industry able to supply the demand for coal in the medium and long term , or whether we shall have the Rothschild recommendations .
27 ANALYSTS have tended to be muted in their response to the 1992 figures from British Petroleum which is the most up-to-date yardstick available to measure the state of health , if not wealth , of the oil sector .
28 Mike advised me to keep my mouth open to absorb the blast on my ear drums .
29 The main chain continues in an extended conformation held at the edge of the domain 2 β- sandwich by hydrogen bonds to strands from both β- sheets until kinked at proline 104 to commence the standard β- strand A of domain 2 .
30 While the Canadian business has been profitable , WH Smith believes the returns being obtained on £75m of sales from 200 outlets are not comparable with the returns that can be obtained in other markets and did not justify the future investment necessary to develop the chain .
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