Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I would say , ‘ Exploited and humiliated brothers of the West , did we really gain anything by placing the struggle against our just grievances in the hands of a merciless and megalomaniac Georgian with a moustache ? ’
2 This was in part due to a disability which was not realized .
3 The slow fuse uncoiled like a snake , the assassin pulling it slowly across the floor until the end appeared under the door .
4 More than any scholar of his generation ( G. Gilbert Murray , q.v. , apart ) he kept Greek literature alive at a time when it had ceased to be a compulsory subject in many schools .
5 The first ATG in from the 5' end is located at nucleotide 234 in a sequence context favourable to translation initiation .
6 What reassurance does it give to people who might suffer damage due to a change in groundwater level when the Bill permits the Secretary of State to weaken the groundwater provisions ?
7 This form of acceptance is a legal acknowledgement of debt which provides a measure of security to the bill 's holder , as legal procedures exist in most countries to recover money due on a bill .
8 Pontikes also had direct personal experience due to a $500,000 investment in Saul Steinberg 's Reliance Capital Group Limited Partnership , a buyout and arbitrage firm with a roster of investors that amounted to a Who 's Who Among The Self-Made Rich .
9 The electric field due to a sheet of charge
10 The magnetic field due to a ring current ( J , H , B )
11 One possible method is to work out the electric field due to a point charge pi dz located at z and then add the field due to all the other point charges present .
12 The values of — and — may be expressed as integrals of the field due to a point force in the comparison material and in certain cases these may be evaluated .
13 2.4 The electric field due to a line charge
14 Incidentally , and irrelevantly for present purposes , that reasoning has led to the well-established conclusion that a child en ventre sa mère at a testator 's death but later born alive may rank as a life in being for the purposes of the rule against perpetuities , which is a rule of public policy under English law : see Long v. Blackhall ( 1797 ) 7 Durn. & E. 100 .
15 ‘ A bit raunchy for a family newspaper , ’ he said , ‘ but I expect we 'll manage somehow . ’
16 The member who brought this matter to our notice stated that had he known about this in one particular case , a capital gains tax assessment due by a client would not have become payable in consequence of the option available to pay at one-half the taxpayer 's rate of income tax .
17 The College of Arms set and maintained a rigid scale of funerary etiquette : the obsequies of a royal duke would have been more complicated — and costly — than that of an earl , whilst a viscount 's cortège would have exceeded in complexity that of a baron .
18 If you do it through A B S A , the government will give another ten thousand pounds so of course for the orchestra or the institution whether it 's opera , ballet , concert or whatever is , but it must be arts gets the extra money so of course that in a sense is very enabling .
19 In places I put the colour on in a wash , either by crayoning onto the design and then adding water , or by taking the paint off the crayon direct with a brush .
20 As an example , Figure 2.7 shows the value 6.25 held in floating-point format with base 2 in a 16-bit word , divided into 10 bits for the fraction and 6 bits for the exponent .
21 Figure 2.8 illustrates a complete ( hypothetical ) floating-point format with base 2 in a 16-bit word .
22 This is Part 2 of a list of documents deposited at the County Records Office , Shirehall , Shrewsbury .
23 They thought that was a bit steep for a quarter of an hour 's work and sent back the bill with a request to itemize it .
24 You ai n't likely to pick up Prince Charming in a bar . ’
25 Because Messiahship was regarded as something dynastic , something in part dependent upon a bloodline , people 's attention , as we observed before , would have been focused on a relatively small network of interlinked families who could claim descent from both David and Aaron .
26 The organ culture dishes were sealed in an atmosphere of 95% O 2 and 5% CO 2 at a temperature of 37°C and were then gently rocked at 5 cycles per minute .
27 trustees comprise persons for the purposes of income tax ; 2. they comprise a separate entity liable to tax on monies they receive or which they are entitled to receive ; 3. the main inroads into that separateness and liability are of a restricted nature as explained in the Reid 's Trustees case ; these inroads are : ( a ) in certain cases ( but not all ) where a trustee mandates income direct to a beneficiary the trustee will not be liable to tax ( Williams v Singer ) ; ( b ) in the case of a life interest trust a see-through or conduit approach is adopted for identification of source purposes so that the origin and parentage of the income is not changed by virtue of its journey through the trust ( Archer-Shee v Baker ) ; ( c ) if income arises to the trustees of a life interest trust ( subject to deductions for expenses ) it is taxable upon the life tenant whether or not he actually takes the money ( Spen 's case ) .
28 The remaining vote was declared invalid due to a technicality , although it had apparently been cast for Jones .
29 By avoiding variations in vowel preparation ( apart from the two patients with ileostomies ) any such effect due to a change in diet should be equivalent in the UC and control patients .
30 By solving a physiological conundrum Hubel and Wiesel immediately created a psychological puzzle : how is visual perception possible in a system that only relays information about the location and orientation of edges ?
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