Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] from the same " in BNC.

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1 Here is another chapter opening from the same children 's book .
2 ( The word booze comes from the same source . )
3 He presumed the noise came from the same motorbike he had seen on his first day at school and he asked Mould about it .
4 All items in a column come from the same domain — there are circumstances where the contents from two or more columns come from the same domain .
5 However , in this case , it would not be necessary to determine that all the quanta came from the same direction : it would be enough to observe that they all arrived within a very short time interval to be reasonably confident that they were coming from the same burst .
6 In part this reflects a reluctance to let outsiders interfere with the job of policing , as well as a suspicion about soci — ology , which for many policemen sounds too much like the word ‘ socialist ’ ; social work suffers from the same association .
7 In order to observe a primordial black hole one would have to detect several gamma ray quanta coming from the same direction within a reasonable space of time , such as a week .
8 The first form of the therapy was carried out by scientists at America 's National Institutes of Health in 1990 on a four-year-old girl suffering from the same potentially fatal inherited disease .
9 Drinkers can now choose between a French Chablis at £7 in the shops , or an Australian wine made from the same grapes , although inevitably with a slightly different character , at £5 .
10 Five 200 µl aliquots representing 2.56×10 6 lymphocytes were each placed in Krebs-Henseleit with a colonoscopic biopsy specimen taken from the same patient and metabolism measured as below for mucosal biopsy specimens .
11 The Illington-Lackford type of pottery occurs on 4 per cent of cemeteries and 15 per cent of settlements in East Anglia , strongly suggesting that it was being used for domestic , as well as funerary , use , and it is estimated that undecorated pottery made from the same fabrics outnumber the decorated Illington-Lackford pots by 15:1 .
12 Cholera epidemics happened regularly in my early years , when the filth from one village would be thrown into the river and water drawn from the same river for the villages downstream .
13 Right did your erm wife come from the same area ?
14 Mandrake comes from the same family as the potato ( once thought to be endowed with aphrodisiac powers itself ) .
15 It is not a tuck stitch at all , but the name comes from the same term used in dressmaking , where woven fabric is stitched , or tucked , into ridges that look much like this fabric .
16 Though the group which dominated the executive board of the National Association tended to be drawn from the secularist , radical circles of the metropolis , the women and men who effectively led the repeal movement came from the same provincial backgrounds which sustained many other mid-century reform groups .
17 Either that report or a summary of it or a basic valuation prepared from the same materials is used by the building society for the purposes of section 13 .
18 A vintage horse-drawn tram from Sheffield , complete with horse , is shown in a dramatic Victorian Street setting of 1885 , together with a steam tram dating from the same year , and a steam tram trailer — representing the next stage in the development of this form of transport .
19 The cab came from a Massey-Ferguson 1200 and cost £600 , and a solid steel radiator surround from the same model was turned upside down and fitted to the new tractor .
20 Ms Tyson may protest too much ; but she could certainly argue that at no time in the previous two administrations did everyone involved in trade policy sing from the same songbook .
21 His success as a captain comes from the same streak in his character .
22 In this way , the strategy proceeds from the same antisemitic assumptions and stereotypes as the more familiar and anti-Zionist conspiracy theories .
23 Yet each vision arose from the same landscape , and each had its own particular beauty and power .
24 It was rare that I saw people , though now and then I came across sheep and goats being herded by children — boys in night-shirts or girls in blue gingham , every dress made from the same roll of cloth .
25 His music stems from the same shaping hand as that which invented the Voice of God in Britten 's second canticle Abraham and Isaac , composed just before Gloriana .
26 He would have liked to exchange a few words with Cedric Downes at Oxford — surely a man suffering from the same kind of trouble ?
27 I gave one deflection burst from port beam at about 350 yards and one careful stern burst from the same distance , but could not even keep pace with this shallow dive .
28 check batch numbers on rolls to make sure each roll comes from the same batch , and that colours will match .
29 As they neared the small shop they were nearly knocked to the ground by a young man fleeing from the same direction .
30 Each domain-dictionary achieved its highest z-score when used in the recognition of text taken from the same domain .
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