Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] they from [art] " in BNC.

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1 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
2 While artisans certainly had better opportunities than had most of the lower orders , it is probably unwise to insist that a very wide behavioural gap separated them from the " crowd " , at least until the last years of the eighteenth century .
3 Leaves danced curlicues on the pavement as the wind ripped them from the plane trees and sent them scurrying along the ground .
4 DINAMO Tbilisi , as expected , have lodged their appeal against UEFA 's decision to disqualify them from the European Cup ( writes Lyle Jackson ) .
5 The gypsies themselves are puzzled by the apparant determination of the council to evict them from a site well away from public view .
6 This church , Santa Ephygenia was where the African slaves came to worship , to pray to the saint to protect them from the dreadful accidents they faced in the mines .
7 This recommendation was not accepted , however , and the authorities still have to balance the need to provide access to the parks with the need to preserve them from the increased pressure that results .
8 The barmaid led them from the bar and up some rickety steps .
9 This attribute separates them from the outside world and can be shared by no non-Japanese .
10 If anything the gulf separating them from an outside world which uprooted families and whole villages for labour on distant farms , or worse still in factories and mines , which extracted taxes , recruits and grain , which subjected them to constant brutality and humiliation grew steadily wider .
11 22 men crammed into a small wooden hut with nothing , but panels and a curtain separating them from the rest .
12 Gradually he established the right to separate them from the land , to buy and sell serfs like cattle .
13 They had been draped with canvas to protect them from the rain , and a watchman in wet buckram saluted civilly , then stepped back in haste to avoid the splashes thrown up by the hooves of the passing st'lyan .
14 Both their lorries were green , and so were their lead reins , anti-sweat sheets , buckets and bandages , and there were green braids on their splendid horses ' tails , which were left down until the last moment to protect them from the flies .
15 The invisible cage removed them from the otherworld .
16 The women 's exclusion from the pit separated them from a share in those incomes .
17 These with some stalls intervening , we saw reached to the furthermost end of the main building , a wall separating them from the Museum and also from College Street .
18 Barriers had to be put around their pictures when they exhibited at the Royal Academy to protect them from the crowds of ardent devotees ; reproductions of their works were sold in their tens of thousands .
19 A taxi took them from the airport to Commander Zadak 's office , some kilometres north of Sydney .
20 A sun umbrella sheltered them from the wan May sunshine .
21 Such an astigmatic view of course excludes them from the main focus of research .
22 For such old people one has to ask whether acceptance of their professed wish to stay at home carries with it a responsibility to protect them from the consequences of their infirmity .
23 One of the students banged his fist loudly on the partition separating them from the driver .
24 Polgar rations their appearances in a natural wish to protect them from the media .
25 To give you some idea of the scope of the problem and how multi-faceted it is ; Kermit Weeks , his staff and volunteers are finding and sorting the aircraft pieces , drying out books , covering aircraft and items of every other sort with plastic to protect them from the weather and they are also spraying the collection of spare aircraft parts which filled a 50,000sq ft building .
26 He had smoked one cigarette after the other , holding them cupped in his palm to protect them from the rain .
27 The council houses , of fudge-coloured brick , stood in two rows and a horseshoe shape with a screen of Leyland 's cypress hiding them from the village .
28 Miss Julie Stott , 27 , from Eccles , Manchester , was walking back to her hotel with a friend , Mr Peter Ellis , 27 , when a man attacked them from a passing car .
29 Many artillery men wear a leather jerkin to protect them from the discharge .
30 Industrial capital removes them from the land and subsistence agriculture .
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