Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] they [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 a Services Division to support them for a transitional period
2 She could lie in bed at night and in imagination move confidently around the cottage touching them in a happy exploration of shared memories and reassurance .
3 At noon , the exhausted Pack gathered together and Brown Owl led them to a shady area .
4 Windows opened ; grocers ran to the doors of their shops ; customers stopped discussing bacon and turned ; our teachers wobbled on their bicycles as the noise buffeted them like a violent squall ; and boys sprinted to the school gates as they came out of the building , though many others , cool boys , shrugged or turned away in disgust , gobbing , cursing and scuffling their feet .
5 Barclays Bank is one of the cheapest widely-available sources of travellers ' cheques , charging 1 p.c. to issue them with a minimum fee of £2 .
6 Opening the conference Havel stressed that " in the extremely sensitive and risky stage of economic transformation of the post-communist countries , any attempt to treat them as a more or less institutionalized zone of semi-developed countries surrounding the prosperous countries of the European Communities [ EC ] and the European Free Trade Association [ EFTA ] would be an extremely dangerous step for all concerned " .
7 These might be wild animals who possessed particular strengths and had little contact with man , like a lion , jackal , hawk and crocodile , or might be animals whose usefulness placed them in a special relationship with man , like the crow , ram and cat .
8 The second key let them into a vaulted stone cellar , and groping torch in hand along the far wall behind the piled casks of wine , Thomas brushed the cobwebs from a low , insignificant door .
9 These included being prepared to listen and acknowledge Tony 's difficulties , helping his father and girlfriend view them in a more understanding way , after allowing them to ventilate their feelings , clarifying the nature of Tony 's problems and helping him focus on those which he could do something about .
10 Though — at the earliest — the registers will not be available before 1994 , the property industry sees them as a further blow to a sector already reeling from recession .
11 A heavy door swung open and a figure beckoned them into a warm lozenge of light .
12 Sandwiched between them are Gloucester who lost their 100 per cent record at Saracens , the London club holding them to a 12–12 draw .
13 But , while these points may be reasonable , and some of them may be true , this attempt to embed them in a general theory or schema seems unhelpful .
14 She did not focus on the actual wording of the questions , and as a result answered them in a rather uncritical way .
15 This was directly aimed at the ‘ surplus countries ’ , especially Japan and Germany , and was an attempt to bind them into a system where they could not pile up persistent surpluses .
16 His Honour Judge Maddocks , dismissing their appeal , said the practice of the partnership was that of the two offices together because the partnership ran them as a single business .
17 The courts , together with a wooden pavilion of historic interest , were built around 1910 but lay derelict for many years until the Club revived them with a grant from the Village Association .
18 The gypsies themselves are puzzled by the apparant determination of the council to evict them from a site well away from public view .
19 The aim was that as a greater number of the population became eligible for national insurance benefits , fewer people would be dependent on the safety net of national assistance to provide them with a minimum income .
20 They want management to trust them at a distance .
21 Many turners appreciate pleasing curves but like me , do n't possess the ‘ eye ’ or the skill to create them on a lathe .
22 Spices certainly have come a long way since their early days , when they were a rare commodity and it was considered an honour to receive them as a gift .
23 Very light , very hurried steps , but the bare , glossy wood turned them into a muffled drum-roll .
24 He would stroll the town as a noble aristocrat , modelling a suit with gleaming brown shoes , reflecting the sun 's glare , as even the sun touched them with a blessing .
25 If they are purchased through a large department store , the shop will send an expert to fix them for a small extra charge .
26 By providing Japan with the opportunity to save face and make an orderly withdrawal from drift-net fishing , the UN Second Committee bound them into a commitment to cease drift-net operations in the near future — an astonishing achievement for a campaign which had only really gathered momentum 10 months earlier , with the sinking of the Sankichi Maru .
27 Similarly there is no liability if a railway company , acting upon A 's directions , carries B's goods , honestly believing that A has B's authority to give such directions or , of course , where a finder removes them to a place of safety .
28 And from that day to this , no power on earth can keep a rabbit out of a vegetable garden , for El-ahrairah prompts them with a thousand tricks , the best in the world . "
29 Then another child sorted them in a different way .
30 ( Phoebe ) Bradley became the first lady to serve on the Club Committee , an event doubly unique , for although not a bondholder she was elected by their Committee to represent them for a four-year term .
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