Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] in [art] few " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have an important function to attend in a few days ’ time .
2 The reply came in a few minutes ago listing ten different countries with which he does business . ’
3 A new chairman came in a few months ago .
4 The reluctance to invest in a few good demonstration videos may stem not only from the fact that there are indeed some very poor , amateurish productions around , but also , compared with most books , videos are still comparatively expensive .
5 A small army of workers will be moving into C&A to start shop fitting in a few weeks ' time .
6 The plan is to grow the lawnmower business over the next couple of years and then float the shares to raise cash to add in a few operations that are less seasonal , and less weather-dependent .
7 Buus does in a few cases revert to earlier material or in one instance , as we have seen , achieve cohesion at the expense of monotony by basing a whole piece on a single idea .
8 This takes time to begin with — lots of lovely sitting around going through the magazines again but , when needed , the index which is stored in a file can be looked up and the right magazine located in a few minutes .
9 You know it will be your turn to talk in a few minutes , so you can put all your energy into listening rather than trying to spot a chance to throw in your contribution .
10 They said Labour had squandered a golden opportunity to improve part of the town centre which could be hard hit when the new Cornmill Centre opens in a few months ' time .
11 It is absurd , every time we introduce another element of our policy , for him to leap on to the populist pitch and then , as he no doubt will in a few minutes ' time , find some detailed reasons for being opposed to it .
12 I hope that a message can go out that there is a new resolve in the west and that we are determined to ensure that the killing , the destruction and the brutality stop , and that , as a new year dawns in a few days ' time , it dawns with a new sense of hope for the battered , beleaguered people of Croatia .
13 It was the oldest trick in the book : lighten the atmosphere stir in a few laughs — and throw the fast ball .
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