Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] back to the " in BNC.

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1 The story goes back to the major earthquake , magnitude 7 on the Richter scale , which rocked Greece in February 1981 .
2 The base goes back to the RAFin SEptember 94. it 's not yet known what will be done with the land but many local people hope it 'll be used the upper H
3 I attend the Assembly as a Member of this House and I should like the opportunity to report back to the House , during a proper debate , on what I am doing in the Council of Europe .
4 The origin of the synagogue goes back to the Babylonian period .
5 There is nothing what actually says , only when that cheque goes back to the bank , there 's nothing anywhere apart from the bank who says that cheque is actually made out to .
6 Professor John Ashworth , vice-chairman of the committee of vice-chancellors and principals ( CVCP ) , also urged Mr MacGregor to use ‘ a heaven-sent opportunity to go back to the drawing board and look at the entire issue of how students are supported — grants , loans and fees . ’
7 Fahey , whose international experience goes back to the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 , when he lost the bronze medal in a jump-off , qualified for last year 's World Cup Final , but decided his horse was not then ready for it .
8 Mr Wishart hurried off to the refreshment room , luckily got served straight away and with difficulty got back to the compartment just as the guard was blowing his whistle ; the old lady took one of the paper cups of tea and murmured her thanks .
9 The it in the second sentence refers back to the ball .
10 Much of the Bible 's teaching goes back to the way we are made ; it goes back to creation itself .
11 Loopy Lil began piling the tea-things on to the tray to carry back to the kitchen , and Mrs Hollidaye suggested Gloria should go and help bring in the vegetables from the shed for supper , when an insistent bell began ringing out somewhere within the house .
12 The very important interest JCI has in the diamond industry goes back to the days when Barney Barnato , together with Cecil Rhodes played an important role in the establishment of De Beers in Kimberley .
13 Her mind skimmed back to the dinner on Friday night .
14 I had just winched in the staysail 's port sheet when the explosion sounded , or something so like an explosion that I instinctively cowered by Wavebreaker 's rail as my mind whipped back to the crash of practice shells ripping through the sleet in Norway .
15 My mind goes back to the original fifteen-year Hospital Plan , published in January 1962 .
16 The history of the perehera goes back to the second century AD , when King Gajabuha won a great victory against his foes in southern India , the Tamils , chasing them back across the narrow strait into their homeland .
17 As she sucked thoughtfully on the cigarette her mind wandered back to the contents of the dossier they had prepared on Benin .
18 Cobalt drove back to the Villa Fiesole .
19 Even more basic , though , was the pressure on a Celtic team playing for their dignity and self respect and who did so in such a convincing manner that all diagnoses of the final result came back to the same conundrum , where does the level of commitment shown against Rangers go when Liam Brady needs it most ?
20 As no form of updating had taken place the room was in need of considerable physical repair … much of the stock dated back to the school 's opening and was therefore unsuitable for the pupils and curriculum of today .
21 That has opened new wounds in relationships between the two sides , barely on speaking terms after bad blood dating back to the infamous Shakoor Rana-Mike Gatting bust-up .
22 His origins are obscure , but he seems to have been a German from one of the tribes which were allowed to settle within the Empire , and for which privilege they were liable for military service , a practice going back to the late third century .
23 Another famous hillside figure harks back to the days when , according to legends , giants walked the land .
24 The architecture shows the influence of the Italian colonisation ; the modern harbour harks back to the healthy export of livestock to the Gulf States ; and the large scale agricultural activity in the adjacent fertile valley now lies dormant with equipment and crops stolen and even the electricity pylons stripped of their cables .
25 Lord Vansittart , a former Foreign Office official , had written a pamphlet entitled Black Record blaming the Germans for a record of barbarism going back to the era of the Roman Empire .
26 Once Ranulf had gone , Athelstan sat on the altar steps , his mind going back to the corpses he had seen : Vechey 's lying cold amongst those dreadful heads on the tower gate of London Bridge ; Brampton 's sheathed in dirty canvas in the death house of St Mary Le Bow ; Springall 's lying alone under its leather covering in the great four poster bed in his mansion .
27 On we went past the grandeur of Mount Edith Cavell and Castle Mountain , through Banff and Lake Louise to Kicking Horse Pass and the Great Divide , where rivers on one side flowed back to the Atlantic , and those on the other side ran west to the Pacific Ocean .
28 My mind turned back to the man Mrs Bradshaw had accosted in the garden , but I knew of no one who bore me that kind of grudge or , if he did , would take it out on me in such a petty and spiteful way .
29 With automatic professionalism Folly had carried them into the bathroom and begun to hunt around for a suitable container before her mind turned back to the question of who could have sent them .
30 His mind swung back to the Forest he had left so many years before .
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