Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] on in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The research reported on in this book consisted of semi-structured , tape-recorded interviews with ninety-six students ( forty-eight male , forty-eight female ) , and twelve members of academic staff , in three different institutions .
2 Then , as she watched , a light came on in one of the upper rooms , and she shifted uneasily as she recognised Luke as he came to the window and looked out .
3 and there 's , and there 's enough fighting going on in this bloody house
4 Whenever I visit Ian , seeing the fostering going on in various degrees , I 'm filled with admiration and feel I want to let the world know .
5 A TV commentator told viewers during the final morning 's play : ‘ We have seen plenty of seam lifting going on in this match . ’
6 The first fruits of their mental endeavour are a sobering awareness of the likely complexities of the post-war Middle East and an unease about the meagre quantity of strategic thinking going on in other European and Arab capitals .
7 Fighting went on in New France for another twelve months , but after the fall of Quebec this was more a matter of moving forces over long distances than of confronting threats that the French might retrieve their position .
8 At about 6 o'clock , a light snapped on in one of the huts .
9 Maybe this attitude lingers on in advanced Western societies , explaining why some people still wax so lyrical about arcane grammatical rules , the Oxford English Dictionary and all the other magical authorities , and why they are so indignant about feminists ‘ tampering with language ’ .
10 When they get to Italy the teacher decides it 's all a bit cosy : there 's a lot of good work going on in other curriculum areas , and the children are enjoying it , but where 's the drama ? !
11 Bishop Gray gave his full support to the work going on in many of the schools and parishes , and expressed a wish that the programme would be quickly at the heart of all our schools .
12 Yet despite fine work going on in many schools , classrooms and library resource centres , it is all too common to find teachers reverting to type , schools with equipment stowed away unused , library resource centres which have become simply print shops for the production of work sheets and diagrams , supplementing teacher.exposition and drill .
13 Packages which checked your spelling , for example , in something you 've put on and very politely suggested that you may or may not have got a word quite correctly spelt that you had intended perhaps spelt one way , it came out as another way , and there must be an awful lot of work going on in this area .
14 Did her mother guess there was a battle going on in this house ; in fact , various battles ?
15 that we need some extra cooking going on in this house .
16 X rescues or similar out because of the Seayak 's loaded weight and bailing would have been a very frustrating experience beam on in that sea ; a flexible hose from another boat 's pump would have worked but mine was glassed in !
17 There is a good deal of self-censorship going on in these chapters about the festival .
18 We can therefore interpret our findings as evidence that what the community agrees on in this case is a pattern of stable differentiation over two generations between male and female usage .
19 Photojournalism and the birth of photography are briefly touched on , Context and Ambiguity expanded on in some depth , ethics briefly considered and a fair selection of illustrations from the exhibition are included , including Robert Capa 's The Last Man to die , Leipzig , Germany and Chris Steele-Perkins Famine in Karamoja Province , Uganda , images that are almost commonplace today .
20 The Gujerati community is fully aware of cases like that of Mrs X. Scandals such as hers are everybody 's business , but while in India or East Africa such situations would not have been tolerated , and sons would be forced to take their mothers back , in Britain the community looks on in fascinated horror but does nothing .
21 A major initiative embarked on in 1992 is the project partly funded by FORCE ( Formation Continue en Europe ) , an EC Group .
22 This rethinking went on in episcopal households and monasteries as well as in some urban schools which survived in some areas well into the sixth century .
23 Latent inhibition goes on in all experiments aimed at revealing the nature of stimulus representations and often acts to mask the effects under investigation .
24 The most renowned of the family was Reginald who won international fame as a collector of rare and exotic plants from the countries of the Far East and whose name lives on in several of his discoveries .
25 Of equal significance in his contract was a clause believed to specify the maestro play on in 1992 .
26 The day dragged on in ordinary fashion until Jess felt she would scream .
27 Only one copper wire is needed to carry the current required for any bulb switched on in this way so there is a saving in terms of cost and weight .
28 He thought about his family , far away in Mali 's dusty savannah , eating the evening meal with the television switched on in one corner .
29 Long may the spirit carry on in all all our lives .
30 How can a government carry on in such circumstances ?
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