Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] her into the " in BNC.

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1 The climax came when Cornish Lady appeared in the western Channel , her progress was monitored and the cutter Alert , with Jim Cameron in command followed her into the river Exe , keeping in close radio contact with the waiting officers on shore .
2 Nkrumah 's mother was converted to Christianity by a German Roman Catholic priest and the boy followed her into the Church .
3 She 's written to her M P , Andrew Smith , and at the start of this year , British Rail allowed her into the buffet car .
4 She came down and this young PC walked her into the bridewell . ’
5 Zoe 's horse ’ Scrumpy ’ stumbled after a jump catapulting her into the ground .
6 Tracey laughed , and put his hand under her elbow to guide her into the cinema .
7 Her escort followed her into the sitting-room .
8 Then , with the notion of what a girl with such a name must be like firm in her mind , she made this heroine of hers arrive somewhere and without delay put her into the first of a series of conflicts with , behind them , a gradually increasing aura of mystery .
9 The guide led her into the air-conditioned jewellery shop and held out the box to a sales assistant .
10 John Coffin saw her into the car and watched her drive away , then himself walked home across the Heath .
11 Her father accompanied her into the dining-room and though he made a pretence of eating , he barely touched the food on his plate .
12 The clinic woman hoisted her into the air and looked at her in distaste .
13 Her father 's voice jerked her into the drawing-room .
14 The music followed her into the bathroom .
15 The man followed her into the Misselbrook and Weston grocer 's store in Springvale near Winchester .
16 Detectives say a man followed her into the toilets and raped her .
17 As the youngster sobbed in terror , the sadist bundled her into the machine .
18 A pleasant-faced maid showed her into the surgery .
19 Ten weeks later , the ambulance team that had driven Elinor from the Nice hospital carried her into the château and up to her bedroom .
20 Not only do her efforts to assert her freedom from male domination lead her into the hands of another man , but she is also punished for her resistance by having her words deemed valueless , just as today ‘ pseudo-escaperoutes will so lightly turn sado-escape , and … women 's very freedom will so easily be used against them by even moderately clever men ’ ( 12 ) .
21 Social workers ' tendency to co-opt her into the professional team will be difficult for her to handle .
22 No matter how hard she protested that The Delinquents was not soft porn , the film transformed her into the sex-siren she secretly desired to become .
23 The quarry rammed her into the screen again .
24 By this time , the woman had left her car and the officer followed her into the house .
25 She relived the agony of trying to control the boat , the moment of horror when the engine cut out , the desperate struggle to keep the dinghy from capsizing , and the ultimate horror as a giant wave swept her into the sea .
26 ‘ Get down , you fool ! ’ he grated in her ear as his arm drew her into the protection of his body , her face pressing against his neck .
27 If the child woke and cried at night , sleepy Rose took her into the warmth of the big bed 's flannel sheets , opened her nightdress to her .
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