Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] out to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We all liked Alfred very much , and our sympathy goes out to all his family . ’
2 I DID not see the London Marathon this weekend , and so can not complain about it too loudly , but my heartfelt sympathy goes out to those who found themselves confronted by 25,000 runners , all anxious to show how goodhearted they were and what fun they were having .
3 MY heart goes out to all Scotsmen and women , who watched the World Cup Third-Place Play-off at Cardiff .
4 The fact that almost nobody had heard of this prerogative turned out to one of the judges to be a point in its favour :
5 As we argued here on 17 April , Labour 's failure in the 1992 election was more to do with its inability to mobilise its traditional base of support than with any inability to reach out to newer social groupings .
7 For myself , I was hooked by John 's radical zeal to see the gospel go out to all .
8 The ruthless punishment meted out to senior officials who fell from favour reflected the general lack of legal safeguards for life and property .
9 Was this the treatment Roman meted out to any female who presumed a little too much , grew a little too possessive ?
10 I still have that room booked out to other folk like I told you . ’
11 The next five years saw the site leased out to various tenants , although Knight retained ownership .
12 Why did this upright shipmaster sell out to such a crowd ? "
13 The ¥7.5m ( $55,000 ) that he received was peanuts alongside the sums that Recruit doled out to many of the ruling party 's bigger names .
14 The veteran of European campaigns with Aberdeen and Manchester United revealed his concern at the rough stuff dished out to prolific marksman Chapman in the first leg a fortnight ago .
15 Here we have a co-production of mini-series ambitions , but without the necessary budget or pomposity to puff out to epic proportions .
16 Filmmakers and critics were not the only ones worrying about the state of British filmmaking , nor was the film industry the only British enterprise losing out to American competition .
17 ‘ If I use my own money to buy a plough , will you supply the horses and let me spend two or three days a week hiring out to those with new lands ?
18 The VUE desktop manager lost out to IXI Ltd 's X.desktop manager in the failed Advanced Computing Environment initiative and Hewlett is said to be determined not to lose this time around .
19 The method employed may be a postal questionnaire sent out to hundreds , or even thousands , of possible respondents — in which case the ‘ going out ’ is being done rather at one step removed — but in this case the data are actually coming from a sample of people , even though no personal contact is made .
20 But organisers of the 15-page confidential questionnaire sent out to 18,000 County Durham people over 18 say Mr Bray 's complaint is their first .
21 The contract went out to competitive tender and though ours was higher priced than some they liked its performance and capability . ’
22 My heart went out to poor Aunt Louise .
23 Well she was staying overnight at some wee girl 's house and I 'd say well that 's alright as long as you 're as long as , you know , that know the wee girl 's mother maybe , she 's a daughter a wee bit older than Lindsey herself who had the , but no this mother see she was divorced and going with these men and let her daughter stay out to half eleven , and Lindsey was , n was n't in her house till half eleven .
24 On a chair in the scullery in his cardigan and his cap and his bad leg stuck out to one side , and his tins of paint on newspapers all around , and a big panel of wood propped up against the wall with a picture on it of a battleship in a stormy sea .
25 On the afternoon of 11 April , when the news of the impending annulment was announced , word went out to all growers in the Marne and their supporters .
26 The passionate sentimentality of his rhetoric reached out to ordinary unpolitical people , while his personal charisma provided a necessary substitute for political or ideological coherence in the new movement .
27 The root of our belief is that people do care about the places where they live , work and shop , that they are concerned about the devastation meted out to historic towns since the Second World War .
28 The staff of the Red Lion became habituated to Paufer 's arrangements ; accordingly they mistakenly served Johnson the kind of secondary food doled out to drunken Paufer .
29 Moreover a series of causes and scandals sustained them — from the iniquities of the Contagious Diseases Acts to the scandalous leniency meted out to high-class ‘ madams ’ , from the exploitation and abduction of young girls in the White Slave Trade to the marriage and other scandals of those in high places : the divorce case of Charles Dilke in 1886 ; of the Irish leader Parnell in 1890 ; the scandal of the Cleveland Street homosexual brothel , 1889–90 , said to involve the eldest son of the heir to the throne ; and the Tranby Croft gambling scandal of 1891 , which involved the Prince of Wales himself .
30 Well , we do n't mind helping out readers , but do n't you think a brochure of forthcoming events including details on the vibrant club scene would be a handy item to send out to similar inquiring minds ?
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