Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] not [verb] time " in BNC.

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1 If the intrusion does not have time to freeze before subsequent or continued injection , then the ‘ lubricated ’ region may channel magma towards the eventual eruption site .
2 This is a useful technique for systems designed to operate at the highest speeds , where the time taken for the initial current build.up exceeds the step period , so that chopping action does not have time to begin in an excited phase ( Acarnley , 1984 ) .
3 There were other stated symptoms , too , including singing or chanting odd songs — and what child has not spent time happily singing something totally incomprehensible to a parent ?
4 The other sense of type did not involve time .
5 The publication day of Hank Stych 's book went unremarked in Tollemarche , mainly because the only bookseller in the town had not had time to unpack his new stock , and book reviews were featured only once a month in the Tollemarche Advent and then only in an obscure corner of an inner page .
6 The right hon. Gentleman did not provide time for such a debate because he did not want to embarrass the Tory party so close to a general election .
7 By the Franck-Condon Principle , ionization occurs so fast that the internuclear distance does not have time to change ; the ion is produced with the internuclear distance that was appropriate for the molecule , in what is called a ‘ vertical ’ transition .
8 The practising teacher or school librarian does not have time to go leisurely through pages of details which are poorly printed on A4 which are folded and tucked in an envelope with a disk .
9 In both cases this is a real emergency , because in the event of a cable break the pilot does not have time to realise what is wrong , and he may well stall and spin if he flies by attitude and tries to turn without checking the actual speed .
10 Clearly the pilot had not wasted time calculating an entry angle , but had bored down through the upper atmosphere as directly as he was able .
11 Of these , half had already been working alone the lines advocated , and although some of them enjoyed the reassurance of seeing classroom practice like their own being commended to others , several expressed the view that such an experience did not merit time away from their classes .
12 It could not be suggested that these justices in the instant case did not take time to consider the matter and it is not suggested , nor could it be , that they did not take a great deal of care in carrying out their duties .
13 This bodily preparation needs to occur so quickly that there is no time for conscious thought , the caveman does not have time to talk himself into this state of readiness .
14 There are many complex legal aspects of the running of a company which the nature of this text does not allow time to consider .
15 ‘ He may , it 's possible that … ’ the Archdeacon had not had time to formulate the appropriate phrases to describe events .
16 Just on admission , a patient has not had time to make any necessary spatial adjustments .
17 In the event , part of the collection was left to the museum at Charleroi , near Magritte 's home town ; another part went to the Pompidou Centre 's Musée National d'Art Moderne , while the painter 's remaining works , house and surrealist library were left ownerless : his widow had not had time to stipulate how they should be divided .
18 The good readers , in contrast , seem to recognise words so quickly that the beneficial ( or harmful ) effects of context do not have time to take effect .
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