Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] by [art] first " in BNC.

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1 We do the same for the submatrix bordered by the first row and column , and so on , so that finally we reach the unit matrix as the canonical form for A. It is to be observed that , since in using elementary operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) on A we are effectively at each stage multiplying together determinants neither of which vanishes , the reduction of A to I must be possible when A is on-singular .
2 On 3 March 1987 the originating summons was amended by adding the seventh and eighth plaintiffs , and on 19 March 1987 it was further amended to seek accounts of all transactions entered into , and of all dealings with the property of the plaintiffs by the first defendant , and of all moneys received by or payment made by the first defendant or by the second or third defendants , and an inquiry whether any sums were due from the first defendant to the plaintiffs .
3 THE government 's programme of forcibly repatriating Vietnamese boat people will proceed despite the international outcry provoked by the first removal operation on Monday night .
4 He was struck by a vehicle driven by the first defendant .
5 Matthew 's theory drew upon a long tradition of applying evolutionism to the problems of biogeography begun by the first Darwinians .
6 What the second stage needed was not a distribution , such as a successful general adoption of the co-operative form of organisation would have prompted , of the wealth created by the first stage , but rather an accumulation and concentration .
7 The stability of biliary cholesterol verified by the first appearance of cholesterol monohydrate crystals ( nucleation time ) , rather than the cholesterol saturation index ( CSI ) , is considered to be a better index for differentiating bile metastability .
8 The artist 's impression of Ivan 's majestic features and lavish robes captures the awe inspired by the first Grand Prince to be crowned ‘ Tsar ’ .
9 The mortgagees had been advised by their own solicitors that the charge executed by the first appellant in September was ineffective and they therefore sought a further mortgage to be executed by both appellants .
10 In one unwelcome marriage you learn much about the means of evading a second , and still retaining the consequence gained by the first .
11 Experience convinced her that the man who was drunk would lecture them on the futility of dying , a theme prompted by the first mention of hospices .
12 The distinction implied by the first question — transducing versus flow visualization — is not complete .
13 The second pitch continues the theme initiated by the first : good rock , great protection and sustained interest , before popping out onto the grassy clifftop , where there is a fine selection of arboreal belays .
14 She accepted the first price offered by the first jeweller , not realizing that she could probably have raised fifty per cent more money by bargaining or trying other shops .
15 When we set about trying to understand difficult discourse we often start with the kind of knowledge elicited by the first six questions .
16 British fascism originated in several distinct and contradictory reaction to the long-term decline of Britain and the dislocation caused by the First World War .
17 Dierdriu had maintained the legend begun by the first Wolfkings , but her granddaughter would create a new legend altogether .
18 The opening day scene on the Marton route in 1901 , where nobody looks very happy , which might be a reflection of the rough ride given by the first car !
19 A start at controlling health care costs , to be followed up later when a commission chaired by the First Lady , Hillary Rodham Clinton , makes its recommendations .
20 Turning a quarter circle away from the mosque towards the setting sun , through the early evening heat haze I could see the distant silhouette of the Qutab Minar , the tower of victory built by the first Sultan immediately after he had driven the Hindus from Delhi in 1192 .
21 The emphasis put on the respect shown by the first Ottoman rulers for the dervishes by granting them generous plots of land can also be interpreted as a denunciation of Bayezid 's policy of abolishing the rights on the and lands .
22 His second example involved a transhipment bill of lading issued by the first carrier and damage or loss occurring on the second carrier 's vessel .
23 I know that deep within these creatures , these poor abandoned creatures , are the seeds of the Lost Enchantment , the thin , almost-dead bewitchment spun by the first sorcerers .
24 A word formed by the first letter of a group of words , eg NATO — North Atlantic Treaty Organisation , SALT = Strategic Arms Limitation Talks .
25 Experimental evidence on both processes is patchy , but there is at least one impeccable candidate for a black hole formed by the first mechanism , namely Cygnus X-1 .
26 Rather more ideologically committed to a new form of politics were those for whom anti-semitism was seen as the reason for the changes in British and European society engendered by the first World War .
27 As part of the process he resigned as chairman of the ruling MPR and appointed a transitional government headed by a First State Commissioner ( Prime Minister ) .
28 They investigated the rate of autoshaped pecking controlled by the first of two keylights presented serially and were able to show that the rate was elevated when the first element was an inaccurate predictor of its consequences .
29 Under police guard the members of the new union tried to break through the picket line formed by the first union , with fierce clashes taking place …
30 ( Tolstoy , in War and Peace , gives a brilliant account of the insecurity engendered by the first occasion of a new type of experience in his description of Pierre 's induction into membership of a masonic brotherhood . )
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