Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] at a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Roughly speaking , the quality is determined by location in the vineyard , which can be divided into bands : the most northerly band , elevated at a height of between 180 and 220 metres , comprises some of the finest grand cru slopes in all Champagne and represents about a third of Bouzy 's hectarage ; below this is a wide strip situated at a height of between 160 and 180 metres which , in my estimation , should hold the rank of a top premier cru ; the lowest band , at about 170 metres , runs around the flat northern edge of the village and produces vines of a markedly inferior quality .
2 Perhaps the Private Eye story hinting at a takeover of Barts by a private concern is not as farfetched as Tony Delamothe suggests .
3 Henry Fielding , whose sister lived at a cottage now called Widcombe Lodge , knew the Bennets well .
4 He estimates that an executive sous-chef working in a top London restaurant or hotel would be earning between £25,000 and £27,000 , whereas a head chef in contract catering at a director 's dining room , for example , would be doing very well to earn £20,000 .
5 Fire fighters from Stockton put out a fire in a potting shed at a house in Bishopton Road , Stockton .
6 Moreover , the main cloud base lies at an altitude of about 48 km , which by Earth standards is a very high cloud base .
7 In the Netherlands , however , it appears that for much of the past 30 years , a substantial reduction in levels of imprisonment occurred with no greater rise in crime than occurred in Britain ; and that reduction occurred at a time of rising crime in Holland .
8 The jeep stopped at a caravan that was situated just off the path and under two trees .
9 And her fellow taxpayers did n't find their sovereign queueing at a cubby-hole for her £17.40 first-class ticket .
10 Each side then loses something if there is an attempt to meet at a mid-point .
11 Each programme looks at an area of the Church 's teaching , through the stories of individual Catholics , while wider issues raised are discussed by Catholic Theologians and commentators .
12 But whereas General Franco 's rapid and decisive action resolved at a stroke the problem of order and the underlying political question , the use of force to suppress anarchists and revolutionary communists in Barcelona only exacerbated the Republic 's political difficulties and thereby seriously undermined its capacity to offer united resistance to its attackers .
13 The first official and public indication that the Soviet Union was seeking large-scale Western aid came at a press conference between Gorbachev and Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti on May 22 , when Gorbachev made plain his desire to attend the July G-7 meeting .
14 His features were strong and rather austere , and his high cheekbones gave him a distinction that was all his own , though the line of his well-cut mouth hinted at a sensuality that disturbed her without her knowing why .
15 Her mouth hinted at a passion Claudia had never known , and the curve of her breasts above the green silk promised the fulfilment of every man 's dream .
16 Maximum ozone concentration occurs at a height of 16–18 km in polar latitudes and at about 25 km over the equator .
17 An agent looking at a student actor makes a reasonable commercial judgement ; he considers whether a decision to take on an actor will be financially justified .
18 Especially as this new bit of gossip came at a time when the idea that Walter Machin was becoming posthumously a national figure was beginning to filter through to Oswaldston consciousness .
19 Bob knew that , whether she called herself Mad Maggie or Margaret Stanhope , friendship came at a price .
20 They assert that the payments to Anser were transactions at an undervalue made at a time when the company was unable to pay its debts and within the relevant period of time stipulated in section 240 .
21 For example , the question may state that the defendant shot at a burglar when a bystander was standing dangerously close , and hit the bystander .
22 When the enemy shoots at a unit of Night Goblin Netters randomise any hits amongst the potential targets .
23 One visiting history adviser looking at a display of old washing equipment got the infants to explain by picking up and examining an old flat iron , looking for the flex and asking " But how did they plug this in ? "
24 So if you would usually start the programme with the address from the mayor at 9.30am , consider having the mayor speak at a breakfast at 8am and then give everyone a two-hour break from 11am to have a sight-seeing walk or shopping session before returning for lunch .
25 The latest theft happened at a Shell garage in Marlborough Road at Swindon .
26 One pale light shone at an upstairs window .
27 You may not feel that this is always necessary with designs that can be knitted automatically , since they will appear on screen in colour , but it is a great memory jogger and , rather then going back into the programme to look at a design , the colours and design may be seen from the printout .
28 The tragedy happened at a transport depot in the town .
29 Using this relation ( µ M /µ E = cos α/2; where µ M is the electrophoretic mobility of the DNA-protein complex with the protein bound at the middle of the DNA fragment , µ E is the mobility of the complex with protein bound at an end ) we determined bending angles of 47°±5° for the ICP4 motif and 44°±5° for the Ad2 motif from several experiments using 4% gels .
30 Up in her booth , a puzzled DJ stares at a machine with nothing on it , shrugs and puts on a current hit to get things moving once again .
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