Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] with an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Their presence in totally inadequate police accommodation is authorised by the Prisons ( Temporary Provisions ) Act 1980 , a statute passed as an emergency measure to cope with an industrial dispute with prison officers and used almost continuously ever since .
2 Gate , now the game 's official historian , has written a typically well researched text to go with an excellent collection of illustrations and cartoons .
3 The fight starts with an overhead view of the ring .
4 Samson Agonistes exemplifies a problem which has stood at the centre of current inquiry into the negotiations a text has with an historical context .
5 When the algorithm starts with an empty grammar , the only symbols it has are those in the text .
6 If a sentence starts with an unstressed syllable , leave it out of consideration — it does n't belong in a foot .
7 In such a situation members of congress may also be prepared to forego their usual concern with constitutional niceties in the interest of allowing the president to cope with an international or domestic crisis .
8 Chemical Industry flirts with an old flame
9 The dorsal arm plates are fan shaped with an acute proximal angle and separated .
10 The lesson observation proforma ends with an open-ended section , ‘ Summary of apparent strengths and weaknesses ’ .
11 The chapter ends with an extensive discussion of Kron 's eigenvalue method followed by proofs of the Wittrick-Williams and Simpson counting algorithms .
12 The chapter ends with an approximate calculation of the overall cost of the project , and this is compared with a calculation of the total sum saved through the operation of the project .
13 A car rigged with an estimated 330lbs of explosive ripped through Muawad 's motorcade as it passed through the Sanaya district of the predominantly Muslim West Beirut .
14 A car rigged with an estimated 330lbs of explosive ripped through Muawad 's motorcade as it passed through the Sanaya district of the predominantly Muslim West Beirut .
15 Work in the Modern Studies department began with an experimental datafile based on " Parliament " in 1983-4 and is gradually extending to cover the proposed Standard Grade framework .
16 The programme began with an initial ice-breaker and a video about the condition .
17 Laura held up a forefinger burdened with an enormous cameo ring .
18 A woman whose car collided with an articulated lorry on the A66 near Bowes was killed instantly , a Darlington inquest heard yesterday .
19 The situation has n't been helped by the downward spiral of the quality of our native shore fishing coupled with an upward tweaking of many minimum size limits .
20 It too has suffered a long-term decline in the manufacturing industry combined with an accelerating boom in the service sector .
21 The bad blood continued with an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation on the final whistle .
22 I used my usual metal overflow piece , which I keep hidden in the dunes near the best dam-building site , and the piece de resistance was an aqueduct bottomed with an old black plastic rubbish-bag I 'd found in the driftwood .
23 The piece begins with an orchestral prelude , subtitled ‘ In the style of Bach ’ — well , Bach revised by Gounod perhaps , an elegant an charming pastorale , which sets the mood for much of the rest .
24 As a reformer confronted with an ignorant and conservative society it is understandable that Olavide saw universities only as ‘ workshops for the production of an élite to serve the state and enlighten the multitude ’ .
25 This is Carfax Conduit — an ornate monument topped with an elaborate octagonal turret with carved figures in niches and gargoyles at the corners .
26 And now golfwear containing GORE-TEX fabric comes with an unprecedented 3 year guarantee of its superior performance .
27 It is usual for each side to begin with an equal points value of troops — say two thousand points a side .
28 It is usual for each side to begin with an equal points value of troops — say two thousand points a side .
29 It is usual for each side to begin with an equal points value of troops — say two thousand points a side .
30 THE BBC is breaking technical ground next week by transmitting a radio play made with an all-round sound reproduction system .
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