Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] with that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We are also interested in what the priorities are now for demilitarisation and reconstruction , and I ask the Minister specifically to approach our American colleagues to ask them to convert the substantial military aid that has until now been given to El Salvador into civilian aid to help with that reconstruction .
2 My right hon. and learned Friend has said more than once , and I have repeated it , that it is the Government 's avowed intention to deal with that subject .
3 For a moment the old fear ran through him , the fear associated with that word of infinite menace .
4 My own soliloquy , my own trial came with that offer .
5 If this committee agrees with that amendment .
6 So can sort of we point the discussion in in that direction but before we do Miss Whittaker has a corollary to push with that point .
7 ‘ You wan' a try a line o' coke , leetle dog ? ’ the mestizo offered with that cock of his head and a crazy grin .
8 Failure to comply with that instruction might give rise to a charge of obstructing the police in addition to that of obstructing the highway .
9 Failure to comply with that request would amount to an offence under section 14(4) .
10 This approach contrasts with s35 of the TDA 1968 which expressly provides that failure to comply with that Act does not render any contract void or unenforceable .
11 Then the young woman laughed merrily , her voice strengthening after what must have been years of silence , and the whole strange cellar rang with that laughter , and the glass fragments tinkled like broken bells .
12 Some drag and drop issues , such as how an application will be launched when a file associated with that application is opened , are still to be resolved .
13 Harriman and his interpreter , Bernod Walters , found Mossadeq engaging but almost impossible as an interlocutor , On one occasion he remarked , " Irans 's problems have always been caused by foreigners , The whole think began with that Greek , Alexander . "
14 Now England have got one last chance to cope with that problem in what looks like being another turning pitch .
15 ( 8 ) If shares in the target are proposed to be sold to the bidder by a director ( including a shadow director ) of the bidder , or of its parent company , or by a person connected with that director ( as defined in CA 1985 , s346 ) and the value of the shares is not less than £2,000 but ( subject to that ) exceeds £100,000 or 10 per cent of the bidder 's asset value , then the arrangement must not be entered into unless it is first approved by an ordinary resolution of the bidder or , as the case may be , its parent company in general meeting ( CA 1985 , s320 ) .
16 When in subsequent pages therefore we speak of " the teacher " or " the librarian " or " the media specialist " or any other professional , we mean a person acting with that background and in that capacity at any one moment .
17 If at any point the required pointer in the tree is null , then that candidate string and all candidate strings beginning with those letters can not be allowable , because no words in the tree begin with that sequence of letters .
18 Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman satisfied with that performance ?
19 PostScript normally eliminates whatever lies under another object but , by using the overprint option , it can be forced to leave the background intact so that the topmost colour combines with that underneath to produce a different effect .
20 But , you know I think it , I thought it was his dingy grey suit to begin with that smelt of moth balls but it , it was his breath .
21 ‘ Have you got a boy friend working with that lot ? ’ the scarred man asked Annabel with a pounce .
22 ‘ Christ Yant , ’ Billy whispered , ‘ I can see trouble coming with that bastard . ’
23 Alan Murdoch , personnel director of NCR , cited the problems which even this unusually enlightened engineering company had come up against in trying to tap this under-used management resource — an apparent lack of ambition that drives women into ‘ support ’ roles , the fact that child-bearing age co-incides with that age-span when the potential top manager is just getting up to speed , the lack of female engineering-oriented managers from which to select .
24 2 In phonology , the head is that part of a word group which either beings with the stressed syllable of the first accented word , not being the nucleus , and which ends with the syllable immediately preceding the nucleus ; or it may be the pitch pattern associated with that part of a word group .
25 And the only place the driver knew with that name was in Surrey .
26 Sue was on about her daughter living with that bloke like , I do n't know if it was the same bloke , I just du n no , yes it is , yes it is , it 's got ta be the one , when she broke her shoulder , it 's got ta be , anyway he got no job and Sarah got this good job apparently wherever it is , I ca n't remember where it was
27 The er I I shall pull back slightly on that comment in that , if it 's jointly owned property it 's outside the will you therefore do n't have to prove the will to deal with that property , but if it is a large estate and you are dealing with other assets , when you do your inland revenue account you also have to refer to property you may have had the power of dealing while you were alive and that would include jointly owned property .
28 As my hon. Friend knows , I shall introduce the Asylum Bill to deal with that problem .
29 Each letter of the alphabet is shown in capital and small letters in association with a key word beginning with that letter .
30 Rousseau 's influential articles , however , had the additional purpose of discrediting the style of music associated with that place .
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