Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] with [det] problem " in BNC.

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1 On each flight to Cyprus six groundcrew were on board to cope with any problems encountered en route and to remove the avionics not included in the sale .
2 At worst , they merely signal a reluctance or inability to grapple with those problems .
3 There are several methods of extending our rule to cope with this problem , all of which are essentially ways of considering programs restricted so that we only need worry about a finite set of values at a time .
4 While Lord Scarman was careful not to enter the political dispute between the Government and the Labour party on issues such as unemployment and housing , his call for more direct action to deal with these problems , along with racial disadvantage , posed a challenge to the political legitimacy of the policies which the Government had followed from 1979 onwards .
5 Mr. Kimber said the parish councils were now recommended to hold a contingency fund within their budget to deal with such problems .
6 Minimising — admitting that one or two staff members drink a bit or perhaps use a bit of cannabis or maybe occasionally get into trouble with the consequences of drinking too much but insisting that the Company has more important problems to deal with and that it is not the Company rule nor responsibility to deal with these problems .
7 The super-ego is introduced as a concept to cope with this problem , its function being to censor and keep repressed material repressed .
8 Now England have got one last chance to cope with that problem in what looks like being another turning pitch .
9 People who have intelligence and a conscience wrestle with these problems and we 've come to a conclusion which is as good a deal as we think we can get , with the people of the area and with the Labour party and I think he said that if people in this authority are sufficiently obstructive for a sufficiently long time then people will change their minds .
10 I do n't know if any of you saw very recently , the horrific programme which was on television dealing with this problem in some of the London boroughs and god forbid if we ever reach that stage erm because it is quite horrific so I do think that although we have a problem , our problem is mainly confined to the weekend .
11 16.8.4 Circumstances in which natural language indexing meets with many problems
12 It is up to each individual union to deal with this problem , but the obvious right course for all of them is to compensate for broken time — and this included the RFU .
13 As my hon. Friend knows , I shall introduce the Asylum Bill to deal with that problem .
14 In order to cope with these problems , the ideas of Max Weber have often been employed in addition to , or instead of , those of Marx , and we will examine Weber 's approach shortly .
15 Our view , and the advice given us , is that the Bill does not represent a suitable way to deal with that problem .
16 Unless my right hon. and hon. Friends on the Treasury Bench can produce a new formula to deal with this problem , I shall have to support the new clauses and I shall vote against the Government .
17 In the case of a terraced house or semi , inspection ( so far as is possible ) must be made of party walls , roof junctions , fire partition of roof spaces , common drives and paths ; then let your solicitor deal with any problems of maintenance and repair arising , but be sure to establish the responsibilities .
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