Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] her for " in BNC.

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1 Even now he had learnt that Pete Foster , the man being investigated for murder and fraud in the Docks , a hard man , was terrified of his old mother and had kept his successful career in crime hidden from her for sixteen years .
2 He stood within the doorway looking at her for a moment .
3 The county court judge gave judgment for the mother in an action brought by her for the £1 per week based upon the father 's undertaking .
4 She stopped to catch a child by the hand and whisper some word which was rewarded with a kiss , then caught the corner of her veil to cover her already masked face as the chief driver came towards her for a quick answer to a query , always given and received after the words of greeting and queries as to health had been exchanged .
5 In fact , she did not realise she was to have the honour conferred on her for a few days after the letter arrived .
6 Those which her husband offered to her for signature she signed without question ; those offered by others she would ask for the document to be explained .
7 Another tangled virgin called on her for help against a dragon , called on her though she had thought that her time was past and the dragons had all departed .
8 The Inspector turned to her for the first time , but if he was cheered by her observation he gave no sign of his approval .
9 The other woman stared at her for a long moment , then , with great dignity , collected up the papers lying on the desk in front of her and got to her feet .
10 Artegall remains with her for a time and restores order :
11 She had curled up in the deep old window seat , the velvet coverlet from the bed wrapped about her for warmth , and had drifted in and out of an uneasy sleep .
12 She knew that this would be a black cloud hanging over her for the rest of her working life .
13 ‘ But Mr Kronquist , as several of you already know , was assisting Mrs Sheila Williams during most of the afternoon in question with the temperamental kaleidoscope allocated to her for her illustrated talk on ‘ Alice ’ .
14 The first time Jan Doak wore the dolphin suit in meeting common dolphins , one individual bonded with her for over four hours , a rare response from this shy species .
15 She went with Breeze to call upon Mrs Rossitter , who was so charmed with her voice that she engaged her on the spot to read to her for two hours every day .
16 Oh , indeed so , erm our domestic life is extraordinarily complicated but when , after my maternity leave expired and when I 'd finished having time off and breast feeding the baby , he in fact looked after her for a term in Cambridge and I came back to Sussex and taught during the week and went back to my daughter and husband at weekends , and now he 's actually taking leave in his turn , if you like , so that he can be the back-up here while I teach and do my work this year .
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