Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 In its shadow , in a square of orange brickwork part hidden by the long grass , stood a circular pool .
2 Organ jazz has for a long time been club-trendy but it has taken until now for a new artist to come through to match the likes of Jimmy Smith and ‘ Big ’ John Patton with whom she shares a clear affinity in her choice of rhythms and blues inflections .
3 Her neck rose in a long , rounded column to a face which , though not classically beautiful — the nose was too tilted , the mouth too wide — was heart-stopping in its freshness , its air of innocence combined with its look of deep , untapped feminine knowledge .
4 Her kiss at the cottage gate left my mind occupied during the long walk back to the farm .
5 The light came from a long mirror surrounded by unshaded bulbs .
6 A warm wind shone through the long stubble which shimmered like silk in the heat ; the sun glared off the metal cabs of lorries and buses , the tar melted into mirages of water and cleared again .
7 The stout refusal , and then the shambling figure going up the long path beside the river , up to the house .
8 Painted red , of course , with sinuous front wings that curve above the wheelarches , a recessed bonnet , a short roof tapering into a long , descending C-pillar and a vast engine cover terminating with a flat rear .
9 In order to test these predictions we need to compare the size of the latent inhibition effect found after a long exposure — test interval ( which we may take to be 24 h or more ) with that found after a short interval ( when conditioning follows exposure immediately or after a few minutes ) .
10 The correct word-path is excluded from many mid and mixed utterances because an alternative parsing into a long word is preferred .
11 She had n't been paying much attention to the journey , and did n't have any idea of where they were ; the archway led into a long courtyard with a cobbled surface and small , squeezed-in houses to either side .
12 The headless trunk stood for a long second , the blood fountaining in a gush of scarlet from the raw stump of its neck , before collapsing bonelessly to the mat .
13 Perhaps the attitude developed during a long period of established practice and little change .
14 A hedge position is a portfolio consisting of a long or short share and one or more of the available options on that share .
15 Residential institutions lost favour and became associated with , if not blamed for , the lack of professional vision and determination to plan for the long term future of children .
16 It is not a very fruitful exercise to indulge in a long debate as to which of these two functions is the more important .
17 He had been crouched on the first-floor landing for a long time , peering through the banister rails to the kitchen at the end of the lower corridor , listening to the ebb and flow of their conversation .
18 It involves an arduous ten kilometre run preceded by a long assault course , against the clock , finishing with a shoot on the firing range .
19 The device was inspired by a bus journey taken by Gysin , when the sun flickered through a long avenue of trees .
20 In the light from the lamp the child blinked his weary eyes , his question muffled by a long noisy yawn .
21 Best editor seen for a long time .
22 We have here a wide , flat valley filled with sediment passing into a long parallel-sided sea reminiscent of many ancient sedimentary troughs .
23 Then they are playing a semi-blind second shot to a long narrow green , where deft perfection is crucial .
24 Depending on where your drive ends up you will face a tricky second shot to a long , narrow green .
25 A window opened with a long pole .
26 The sun shone on the long road to the south .
27 From the spot in the hedgerow where the four German soldiers had come from a white flag tied to a long piece of wood had suddenly appeared .
28 Their gaze locked for a long moment as he pulled the towel from his neck and flung it over a rail , then , suddenly embarrassed , she looked away .
29 Woolley led them down in a mock attack , the arrowhead formation swooping in a long , curling dive that went under the Frenchman 's tail and zoomed up and levelled out , back on patrol .
30 Deeper into the reed bed it went , its cryptic plumage merging with the long , thin , creamy-buff , feathery-topped reedstalks — and disappeared from view .
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