Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [noun sg] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The very serious policy implications of decisions in this field make theory a major component , even if unacknowledged , of errors and successes that are suffered or enjoyed by the population of peripheral areas .
2 But Peter 's mother says it 's time the whole industry made safety a higher priority .
3 This result made myc the obvious gene to look for in other lymphomas — and led to its identification on chromosome 8 .
4 Lee Sedgwick 's party piece involves self-launching a quad-line ‘ Revolution ’ javelin fashion , snatching the lines into tension and flying a routine largely through sheer manpower , then concluding in the reverse of the opening by catching the kite from a stall !
5 This episode helped spur the revolutionary action taken against the king at the Westminster Parliament which opened a week later .
6 At the roadside on top of this col there is a boundary stone , the original Pierre-Saint-Martin itself , where a small ceremony takes place every 13 July .
7 Also , the constituents of the index do change as entry depends on the size of equity market capitalisation of each company ; a review takes place every three months .
8 Leeds , bereft of professional soccer despite the Lord Mayor 's gallant attempt to keep City a going concern outside the League , became the focus of attention of managers everywhere .
9 In addition , the murder took place a good two hours after the window was closed . ’
10 The 313 to 112 vote gave Congress the two-thirds majority required to obviate a presidential veto .
11 Burton-on-Trent is one of the chief centres of the brewing industry , and legend has it that the origin of its pre-eminence was the discovery by a medieval monk that water pumped from the local sandstone after seeping through deposits of gypsum gave beer an excellent flavour .
12 International : The whiter than white new face of the Klan Ex-skinhead gives extremism a clean-cut image
13 For a hybrid stepping motor the optimum value of phase resistance for maximum electromagnetic damping is : where L is the inductance of the phase winding .
14 I am delighted to report that despite the increase both of magpies and crows last year , I have observed over the winter feeding period the usual mixture of birds .
15 In the North a nozzle called a sparkler is often attached to the spout on the bar to give beer the creamy head preferred there .
16 This sort of attitude does angling no good at all .
17 Make the column headed GENERAL the first column of your table
18 In every question needing assessment a standard or scale of reference is required by which you can measure relative success , failure or achievement .
19 Connect the coil to the voltage reducing box the same as the original coil with the screened leads .
20 Many clients became disillusioned with search in the 1970s , receiving some indifferent service and assuming that all headhunters were the same ; this view is rapidly disappearing in the 1980s , although many search practices current during the Big Bang gave search a bad name , such as wholesale movement of trading and broking teams , for instance .
21 Even when a problem is solved and the fish have apparently recovered it is common for tropicals to suffer an outbreak of White Spot and Coralfish to get Oodinium a few days later .
22 The newsdesks of national dailies , for example , and radio and TV need to have news the same day .
23 William himself , by comparison , seems to represent a remarkable degree of geographical stability : he was born and died in Islington , seems to have travelled but little , and apparently lacked either the desire or the need to move house every few years as his father had done .
24 In the group receiving air the mean saturation was 95.2% before and 93.7% during the gastroscopy — this represents a significant decrease ( p<0.001 ; 95% CIs : -0.63 to -2.03 ) .
25 It is our aim to make English a rewarding and enjoyable experience throughout the School but particularly so in the earlier stages .
26 Other popular trips include a day to Salzburg ; a full day trip to King Ludwig 's exquisite folly , Schloss Linderhof , Neuschwanstein and Oberammergau where the famous Passion Play takes place every ten years ; Venice and Lake Garda : Obergurgl ; and the Italian Dolomites .
27 The first attempts to identify how much difficulty a person has performing a specific task while the second approach considers whether help is received in order to undertake specific tasks .
28 As sure as night follows day the Social Democrats moved into uneasy alliance with the Liberals .
29 Elsewhere , however , as has been stated , it is not uncommon for a court to declare invalid a purported act of a legislature on the ground that the legislature in question had no power to pass such an act at all .
30 There is , of course , the immediate possibility that an ethnic factor , ‘ Basqueness ’ , identifies the group with Basque aspirations and so provides a dynamic rarely if at all available elsewhere ; and that this factor makes Mondragon a special case and not of any general relevance .
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