Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pn reflx] with the " in BNC.

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1 Oxford Polytechnic , deriving from a further education institution with poor facilities , had a struggle to establish itself with the CNAA .
2 Protestantism concerned itself with the inscription of dogma , attention to the text , was more emphatically scriptural .
3 Sorrel excelled herself with the meal , although her father never mentioned it .
4 It is the responsibility of each employee to acquaint themselves with the full details of these and any local arrangements .
5 Tonight was by way of a rehearsal to familiarize himself with the place , make final arrangements , and tell the landlord sufficient of their plans to ensure that there was no unforeseen interference .
6 Coun Brady said his action would be similar to that taken after MP Douglas Fairbairn 's outburst at the weekend and said the committee disassociated itself with the remarks .
7 In the Manse the household occupied themselves with the task of preparing a feast fit for the assembled lords .
8 It was so incongruous to hear the Maggot aligning himself with the forces of law that I was forced to ask the question .
9 As the nappy fell apart , a rich brown revelation mingled itself with the scent of talcum powder .
10 A starling anointing itself with the defensive fluids of an ant .
11 Another general consoled himself with the thought that ‘ as the rebels are flesh and blood as well as us … they must , while this bad season lasts , suspend all operations ’ , but was rapidly proved wrong .
12 Revolution was now the buzzword , as pop allied itself with the youth riots that occurred throughout Europe and America in 1968 and 1969 ; although overtly concerned with inner space , pop went public with a confusing mixture of ideology and rhetoric , to which private concerns like self and sexuality were subordinated .
13 Indeed , the centralised updating of the microfilm system is considered a mixed blessing by those who like to use the updating process to familiarise themselves with the monthly information changes .
14 The student positions himself with the right foot forward , and the body weight evenly distributed .
15 Whereas the nineteenth-century state concerned itself with the common affairs of all capital owners , the growth of giant industrial corporations and of large financial combines has now led to the almost complete exclusion of other capitalist fractions from influence over the state .
16 Thus within hospitals the Alliance of Health Workers ( AHW ) has formed which as a union allies itself with the progressive national union federation .
17 Decentralization permits each locality to provide itself with the quantity of the good it prefers .
18 In an age when we feel more and more the need to be in harmony with our environment , it makes sense to surround yourself with the infinite variety and beauty of today 's clay tiles , so sophisticated in their simplicity .
19 The first voice concerns itself with the story , which is loosely based on the tradition of women weaving and chanting to the rhythms of their work .
20 On the basis of the principle of identity on the other hand , no subjection of nature can take place , since man identifies himself with the processes of nature .
21 Earlier computing concerned itself with the operations of the firm ; modern systems concern themselves with decision-support as well .
22 On 18 October , nearly two weeks before the killing , he watched and recorded an episode of the show in which a youth injects himself with the drug Temazepam and suffers an overdose .
23 At the beginning of April , Sheikh Saud Nasir al-Sabah , a member of the royal family and Kuwait 's ambassador to America , visited Phoenix in order to reacquaint himself with the Phoenician .
24 The significance of the crisis remains obscure , however , and the extent to which the nobility aligned themselves with the commons in seeking concessions in return for grants of taxation is especially difficult to assess .
25 The narrator aligns himself with the character by various means , including the use of concept metaphors , syntactic structure ( Adriaens 1970 , Halliday 1971 , Lee 1976 ) and underlexicalisation ( the use of a restricted vocabulary : see Fowler 1981 , 1986 ) .
26 it is also a good idea to attend one or two auctions — in order to acquaint yourself with the atmosphere , procedure and prices — prior to entering a serious bid .
27 In order to ingratiate himself with the populace , he rebuilt the Temple of Jerusalem on a hitherto unprecedented scale .
28 The problems of financing and supplying expeditions to the continent provoked political opposition which had a wide popular basis and in which some of the nobility allied themselves with the commons in seeking redress for the grievances of the community .
29 There 's a tendency to associate yourself with the winning , with the winner .
30 They regard it as an ideal way to familiarise themselves with the latest legislative and other changes and are sometimes reluctant to delegate the task or to see it rendered unnecessary , as is the case with the microfilm system described below .
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