Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] for the " in BNC.

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1 The curriculum laid down for the first time what pupils should learn in 10 subjects .
2 As Lane points out for the Soviet Union : ‘ However much control they have over Soviet production enterprises , managers and administrators can neither dispose of their assets for their private good , nor can their children have any exclusive rights to nationalised property ’ ( Lane 1982 , p. 135 ) .
3 PROFITS reached an all time high for the Food & Agriculture Division announced by for the year ending December 31 , 1992 .
4 Mick was there first and climbed onto the tailboard to pull out for the rogue two of Paddy 's cans ( a fact which Paddy was slow to forget ) .
5 But , as the striker moved in for the kill , the defender retrieved the situation with a splendid recovery tackle .
6 Even now , there are those churlish souls who mourn the fact that Lovesexy is not a There 's a Riot Goin' On for the eighties .
7 You children were excited on the journey to Gibraltar and kept running from side to side of the boat looking out for the small destroyers that were guarding the convoy .
8 A Plan of Action drawn up for the conference was estimated to cost between US$4,000 million and $6,000 million .
9 Euromessage , which includes BT , Air Call , Radal Vodapage , Millicom , InterCity and Digital , has been awarded the UK licence to operate on a particular UHF singled out for the service .
10 Ruari and Ranald normally lazed about , cut peat , or borrowed a boat and rowed out to do a bit fishing to stock up for the winter , while Luch did her usual tasks and her usual check on the baby — the babies , now — in the bower .
11 Current members of the Club go up for the weekend to climb ( this year it was too cold — even the lakes were frozen ) and after dinner retire to doss on whatever floor may be found .
12 The court room at the Old Bailey was hushed dock went in for the jury to return for their verdict .
13 Back in the good old days , you could manage your practice with nothing more complicated or technologically advanced than a pen , paper and adding machine , with a manual typewriter thrown in for the real forward thinkers .
14 This paper explores the social policy contexts of prevention , as developed in a research study carried out for the Department of Health ( Hardiker et al . ,
15 By the end of the year he was predicting , in research carried out for the Scottish National Party , that unemployment would have a worse impact in Scotland than elsewhere in the UK , reflecting the poorer social conditions prevalent there .
16 Indeed research carried out for the Maud Committee on local government reform in 1967 showed that 35 per cent of rural district council members were farmers , far and away the most numerous section and more than twice as many as the next largest group .
17 Having said that , does n't every club turn up for the wrong match on the right day at least once or twice a season ?
18 Since Intersolv reckons that maintenance accounts for some half of all programming work in MVS sites , and says that the research makes up for the bulk of this work , the potential time savings for users and the potential market for Intersolv are substantial .
19 KENNY Dalglish is poised to bring in a Danish defender to make up for the disappointment of losing £2.5 million Craig Short .
20 This being the case , we only indicate the means of production and means of consumption used up for the production of the means of destruction .
21 Many of the cahiers ( the statements of grievances and proposals for their rectification drawn up for the guidance of the States-General when it met in May 1789 ) proposed the building of public monuments to Louis XVI in recognition of his action in calling the States-General and thus restoring the ‘ liberties ’ of his people .
22 Quite a few ‘ do n't likes ’ from around the office on opening the carton ; the wider front , squarer edges and lack of the traditional Fender rake back for the control panel take most of the criticism , although Fender 's spindly new knobs , which no-one here much cares for , received their share of whinges .
23 The Bishop of London , Tait , agreed , adding that ‘ Any pity called up for the unfortunate Charles I was likely to be dissipated by statements in the services which were so exaggerated that it was likely when read to turn the staunchest Royalist into a parliamentarian . ’
24 lets hope scum go down for the geordies tomorrow ( match of the day in norway ) ! ( hmm — my futba-english justs keeps improving does n't it ; - ] )
25 A fox on the run , seconds before the leading hound moves in for the kill .
26 Then when we got to the sawmill I 'd stay close beside Uncle Bill watching him sawing and planing , keeping well away from the saw , until midday when the mill shut up for the week .
27 A military aeroplane set out for the Kaylayaan islands with voting papers for the village elections being held throughout the Philippines .
28 In America the war was not much more decisive than its predecessor , but British successes in Europe and claims to compensation to make up for the fact that the Bourbons had secured the Spanish throne meant that Britain kept her gains instead of returning them as she had done in 1697 .
29 I therefore walked on air as I went to Westminster Evening Institute to sign on for the next Sociology year .
30 As Julian & co limber up for the long haul , you get the feeling they never really hated rock as the survivors of post-punk seemed to .
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