Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] at " in BNC.

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1 The tigress was undoubtedly familiar with every foot of the ground , and not having had an opportunity of killing me at the rocks — and her chance of bagging me at the first hairpin bend having been spoilt by the kakar — she was probably now making her way through the dense undergrowth to try to intercept me at the second bend .
2 The defendant then made an agreement with the plaintiffs in which ‘ in consideration that the plaintiffs , at the request of the defendant , would deliver to the defendant ’ the cargo of coal , the defendant promised to unload it at a stated rate .
3 ‘ His agent came to see us at the St Louis Lollapalooza show , and we talked about the possibility of doing something together .
4 Maybe that 's my un-laid-back side coming to haunt me at night . ’
5 Katherine 's very presence seemed to provoke her at every turn .
6 I 'm the female lead , the hero has to get me at the end .
7 THE sports and leisure company founded in 1980 by the former tennis international , David Lloyd , is planning a March flotation expected to capitalise it at more than £50 million .
8 Margaret Jones claims her husband tried to murder her at the family home in Brockhampton , by pumping exhaust fumes from the garage into her bedroom .
9 Daddy has to leave it at the garage .
10 I could make it a fairy-tale instead , if I wanted to , Anyway , It 's the capital of the empire ; a courtier starts a liaison with one of the princesses ; the demands she and the impersonate on his time get to be too much , so he secretly has an android made to impersonate him at the endless court rituals and boring receptions ; nobody notices .
11 The older children 's bodies were found after their mother Maeve went to wake them at 8.30am on the overnight Swansea-Cork ferry Celtic Pride .
12 When my mother and a friend came to visit me at Wolverton I brought them to Cambridge and , with the confidence of inexperience , I took them punting on the river .
13 My father come to see me at one holiday and the Easter time he see something happen and they did n't like him and cos all my as cabin boy .
14 Traders were allowed to store unsold items and the Trade Ministry offered to buy them at reasonable prices .
15 She was close enough to the dead man to arrange to meet him at an isolated spot without arousing suspicions .
16 She got the reel of film through customs without any trouble , and a man came to collect it at the hotel .
17 It was quite unheard of in the Army for such a small unit to have its own self-designed insignia , but some months later Stirling , quite undismayed , wore his cap badge on parade when General Auchinleck came to inspect them at Kabrit .
18 And we have the drive involved to beat it at its own game .
19 Uncle wishes to see us at Hampton Court . ’
20 For reasons linked to the physical strength needed to operate them at the beginning , spinning mules were operated by men .
21 The client does not know what to expect and it is your responsibility to ensure that he or she does not waste time trying to contact you at inappropriate times .
22 Nails had received a message from Mr Sylvester that the Social Services representative wanted to see him at four o'clock .
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