Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When he 's with my dad , last night my dad 's , they were playing a game , she said you should 've heard him , she said laughing all , mum loves to hear him happy .
2 The writer has to give it these things to make it real for the reader .
3 Granddad got to give you some as well are n't he ?
4 ‘ The Jockey Club wants to charge us more than it costs us to obtain riding plans at the moment , ’ said Gavin Bargate , the PA 's Racing Service Editor .
5 Yes , you guessed it , DJ has to find them all in another epic arcade adventure : DJ Puff 's Volcanic Caper .
6 He was so convinced that she was , he just assumed she had stayed with some girlfriend to try to make him jealous .
7 Her lips were swollen against her pale face and the sight of her distress seemed to infuriate him more .
8 In those early days , its isolation on the distant north-west coast seemed to make it unattainable by anyone who had only feet to get him there and whose opportunities were restricted by a busy working life south of the Border , although later I was to discover that a MacBrayne 's bus made the forty-six-mile journey to and from Lairg every weekday .
9 ‘ Not without asking for nominations and holding a Department meeting to discuss it first . ’
10 Liverpool St Helens , relegated from Division One last year , look destined to make it two drops in two years , as do Third Division Headingley who , racked by internal politics , are contemplating a new life in Division Four North .
11 The difficult decisions for policy makers were when to make the switch of emphasis ; and what policy measure to choose to make it effective .
12 Her remote yet detached look seemed to make him uncomfortable .
13 So there was no question but that section 2 of the 1911 Act applied to make it unlawful for any person to communicate information without authorization .
14 The following day , Dr John Greg of the Medical Research Council tried to tell us that contact with small quantities of dioxins was harmless when he stated in The Independent that 5,000 ppt is a safe level for bleached paper products .
15 Wilson , now also designated as general secretary , was instructed to take premises in Prospect Row , Sunderland , for a reading room , smoke room and office and have the necessary work done to make them usable for these purposes .
16 Peter Rost , the council 's chairman , who is a former Conservative MP and ex-member of the Commons Energy Select Committee , said yesterday : ‘ The council intends to make it clear that we will no longer accept fobbing-off , soothing noises from politicians , regulators and suppliers , the decision makers who should be helping us . ’
17 I imagine you came here with the intention of doing it up and then realised the enormous extent of the work needed to put it right . ’
18 The recollection appeared to cause him further amusement .
19 And Gloucester MP Douglas French wants the law tightened to make it harder for magistrates to ignore police advice in serious cases .
20 The pistol packing cop returns to escort us all to the Pathe News Theatre .
21 If in a subsequent Act Parliament chooses to make it plain that the earlier statute is being to some extent repealed , effect must be given to that intention just because it is the will of the Legislature .
22 The roadshow team has to put it all together — and win .
23 So he stood with her , and held her , and very soon nature began to teach them both what to do , and before very long the neighbours heard a little shriek come from Pascoe 's cottage , and the old wives glanced and nodded to each other , content that the marriage had been consummated , and anxious to share with each other reminiscences of their own experiences in similar circumstances .
24 Even when I said I was family — well , yes , I know it was n't true but it seemed near enough the truth to use to persuade them neither of them would give her away . ’
25 It was often tedious ; and for every senator disposed to find it fun , there was another whose face would be set in grim outrage .
26 In the long-term , the team hopes to make it self-financing .
27 Criticism of an unworthy opponent appeared to sting him harder than Gimenez had as Eubank , paid in excess of £200,000 for his night 's work , rasped : ‘ All the people I fight are world class .
28 ‘ He took me to his hotel for dinner then spent the first half of the evening trying to get me drunk and the second half trying to get me upstairs . ’
29 This defence may last for days or for weeks , but usually the funeral begins to make it all real to her .
30 Even this second edition fails to make it clear to at least one twentieth-century reader why Polybius should be relevant to the cause of one-year parliaments .
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