Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , the catalyst helping to promote high density among salaried staffs was government support in the form of legislation since 1936 guaranteeing the right of association and negotiation to white-collar as well as manual employees .
2 PC Richard Parry said the car was very dirty and a detailed inspection failed to find any sign that it had made contact with the two pedestrians .
3 CYNTHIA Hirst was disappointed the Budget failed to give substantial help to disabled people .
4 The Guardian sought to invoke some sort of privilege , which they could not seriously have believed existed , to protect their publication of the Labour Party 's confidential information .
5 And last night SmithKline heard that its Tagamet asthma drug failed to get full approval in the US .
6 The five other parties contesting the election failed to secure sufficient support to gain representation .
7 The money will be used to purchase hawthorn whips to replenish damaged stock .
8 However , two recent placebo controlled studies using prolonged oesophageal pH monitoring failed to show any effect of theophylline or Β agonists on the severity of GOR parameters .
9 The Board sought to have these claims struck out as frivolous , vexatious and an abuse of the process of the court .
10 When this last measure failed to force some authorities sufficiently into line , the Conservative government , in 1984 , introduced a measure called rate capping that made it illegal for authorities designated by the Secretary of State to levy more than a certain amount in rates , their only form of independent finance .
11 Archaeological digs by a team from Newcastle University failed to find any remains of interest in the area to be developed , yesterday 's planning applications sub-committee was told .
12 Thus Nutbeam et al are disappointed that two well tried instruments for preventing children from smoking failed to have any effect , especially when the schemes worked elsewhere .
13 The three E 32 issues on which the Board agreed to make substantive changes relate to inventories , research and development costs , and borrowing costs .
14 He included in his review a summary of eight characteristics which were consistently associated with successful school management and , in summing up , he pointed the way forward very clearly ( Clarkson 1988:273 ) : In schools , changes in legislation , organization and curriculum tend to attract considerable attention when they are first introduced .
15 ASK any hard-headed financier , and he will tell you that debt relief never works : public money given to help struggling debtor nations will end up in the hands of the lenders — the banks whose over-readiness to lend helped to land the debtors in trouble in the first place .
16 In view of this , it seems clear that pre-service or initial preparation needs to pay particular attention to training .
17 If the drugs do not appear in the stool as planned , or if symptoms of intoxication develop , the smuggler may present to a casualty department , fearing a package has burst , fabricating a story to try to avoid criminal proceedings .
18 In order to make this decision , the retailer needs to do some market research into the socioeconomics of the area .
19 We suggest that an authority embarking on a project of this kind needs to give serious consideration to the time-scale for guaranteed funding and the relative merits of schemes which are openly competitive and those based on selection and sponsorship .
20 There are many functions that are common to 99% of all spreadsheet applications , in much the same sort of way that a word processor has to have certain abilities .
21 Recent legislation , on employment protection by making provision for disclosure of information and advance consultation on redundancy , and on health and safety by bringing the subject into the sphere of joint regulation , is advanced as the basis for this declaration : ‘ It can be argued indeed that the basis for a legislative framework designed to encourage industrial democracy at shop floor level already exists ’ .
22 What remedy had Parliament resolved to cure this defect ?
23 This might , he appreciated , mean putting sections of the house ‘ under wraps ’ , but would I bring all my experience and expertise to bear to ensure such losses were kept to a minimum ?
24 The cession of the south was not so much payment for help already given , but a concession designed to ensure future support and give Edward III a vested interest in the endurance of Balliol 's rule .
25 Articles in The Weekly Dispatch and The Derbyshire Times presented the case through a familiar blend of factual reportage and lurid sensationalism designed to titillate local audiences .
26 Ironically , the legislation introduced to reform campaign funding helped to facilitate increased spending in politics .
27 Work towards quality award helped to create greater teamwork
28 If any foolish mine-owner tried to cheat Blue Cap of his rightful wages , the ghost would assume the form of a blue flame and scorch the inside of the mine-shaft , weakening the pylons which supported the roof .
29 The Milk Marketing Board wants to improve that situation .
30 If because risk had passed to him the buyer has to bear some loss , it follows that he is not excused from carrying out the contract .
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