Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her features were well-shaped even so early , and the jaw placed finely on the white neck with its blue flush of springing hair .
2 Tsu Ma went across and stood there , one foot resting lightly on the tiled lip of the well as he looked back across the valley towards the south .
3 And I think I made it quite clear that it was not the quality of the Education Authority that was the basis of the Banbury School 's proposals , it was the County Council 's decision to go ahead on a consultation for tertiary education , an entirely different animal in Oxfordshire , and I , like Bob , would agree that the erm quality of education offered in Oxfordshire is first class .
4 my little note badge to go underneath on the
5 Only the church band — two clarionets , a serpent , a bassoon and an ill-tempered violoncello — brought much vigour to the services ; after the harmonies of King 's their enthusiasm fell stridently on the Rector 's ear .
6 A mile interviewer with sleek hair sits awkwardly on a high-tech chair , agreeing with him .
7 A covenant in a lease is , prima , a contract binding only on the lessor and lessee .
8 The decision centred mainly on the particular circumstances leading to the relationship between the bank and the debtor .
9 To achieve crosswind landing exactly on the spot without using the engine and in a strange machine offers a strong challenge even to the most experienced pilot .
10 L M Ericsson Telefon AB has launched a multi-media messaging system , MXE , and also announced an agreement with Intel Corp to work together on a personal computer-based communications system .
11 She spent the rest of her ‘ ninety years of aggressively independent living ’ 9 with only the consistent company of a pack of fox-terriers , alternatively at her Yorkshire cottage perched precariously on the edge of a cliff or in her Chelsea studio overlooking the river .
12 The call to baptism bore immediately on the restoration of Israel and the concomitant salvation of the nations .
13 The object of the authoring tool is to make it possible for the user to concentrate just on the information and design requirements of an application rather being diverted and befogged by the technical problems of putting them together in a system that works .
14 So , a tiny red dot placed specifically on a large white area becomes a work of art , but it 's also a criticism that art is viewed too reverently since people will spend time and money to trek to view , maybe worship , the little red dot on the large white area in an art gallery but will swiftly get the handbag removed from the seat cos they want to sit down !
15 If they ask you what wing of the Party you belong to , say it is your intention to sit prettily on the fence .
16 I follow the line of the hedge along the side of the road , ducking once as a car drives past on the road ; its headlights sweep along the hedge above me .
17 During a night shoot outside the Locarno Ballroom , a leather-clad punk skidded past on a skateboard — pulled by a pair of Dobermanns .
18 The night-light glowed softly on the top of the chest of drawers .
19 A winding wooden staircase led to an open-sided wooden shack perched precariously on the rocks , whence came a savoury smell and some aromatic smoke .
20 Kosi left her plastic beaker of tea steaming gently on the nearest flat surface while she and Lars headed for the centre of the room .
21 THE pound rose again on the money markets yesterday sparking Government predictions of ‘ gentle ’ economic recovery .
22 At any point on the film , then , he could match up this picture with the force created simultaneously on the platform .
23 The ashtray by the bed was crammed with cigarette butts , and two mugs of cold , scummy tea perched precariously on the bed-side table .
24 In fact , the legal force of any particular rule depends partly on the source of its authority ( essentially , whether it is supported by statute or not ) ; partly on the way it is drafted ( rules which are drafted in precise technical language are more likely to be given some legal force than are rules drafted loosely and non-technically ) ; and partly on its contents .
25 Although the position of the mouth indicates it is a bottom feeder , it does rise to the side to feed enthusiastically on the freeze-dried tubifex and swims in the lower middle areas of the aquarium .
26 The future of the coal industry depends crucially on the competitiveness of coal as a fuel for electricity generation .
27 The Association meets regularly on the first Friday of each month , at the RE Centre , when mass is said by our chaplain , Fr.
28 Depth first search depends critically on the order in which the children C of N are added to the front of OPEN .
29 The first limb of Mr. Thornton 's first submission depends strongly on the speeches in Reg. v. Sang [ 1980 ] A.C. 402 .
30 The most obvious of these is Apple 's PC 5.25″ drive , a standard 360K disk that connects to a card mounted internally on the SE or Macintosh II .
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