Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 More than half the 12.5 billion kilograms of milk produced annually in the Netherlands today is sold abroad and , of course , Dutch cheeses are renowned as well .
2 I would like to ask a question , that if this particular rule is n't necessary , then how does a branch go about appealing a decision made elsewhere in the union 's hierarchy ?
3 However , Soviet trade with the West expanded rapidly in the first half of 1989 , showing a 9 per cent growth in volume , while imports grew by about 11 per cent .
4 However , this Government have frozen , deliberately , purchase grants even in the past three years when the Minister has had funds at his disposal .
5 But when parliament met later in the day to summon Congress formally , Mr Khasbulatov for the second time in three days stepped back from delivering the final stroke .
6 If the disk is preserved A. abyssorum differs further in the naked ventral interradial area and in the coarser scaling of the disk .
7 " They asked if they might come to see the palais , but they had of course to remain outside in the gardens with their nurse where they can do no damage . "
8 Again in the top right-hand section of the map the dominant whiteness ceased abruptly in a line extending down from Danzig hsien to Poznan , and thence to Krakow and across to Lvov , ending on the shores of the Black Sea , at Odessa .
9 Coleraine started brightly with Cook and Brian Donaghy both going close in the opening three minutes , but the Crues settled quickly and were presented with a golden opportunity to go ahead in the 12th minute .
10 Once the females arrive , the male displays frantically in an attempt to persuade them that his own particular territory will be the best place to breed .
11 Not dressed in travel-stained wool and dusty chainmail with his sword hilt gleaming harshly in the sunshine .
12 In public perceptions the gap between Conservative unity and Labour unity narrowed sharply in the first few days of the campaign and again at the end , but actually increased very slightly in the third week .
13 I remember saying that there were dangerous days ahead which would call for faithfulness and courage , quoting the text from the Psalms : ‘ He will not be afraid of any evil tidings , for his heart standeth fast in the Lord . ’
14 Imagine , in some generation in the past , that a species contains N individuals , and hence 2 N copies of some particular gene , say the gene for cytochrome C. Let the total mutation rate per gene be m ( that is , the chance of a mutation of some kind occurring somewhere in the gene in a given sperm or egg ) .
15 It is a time when there are many fatalities on the roads as the inexperienced young try to dash across in the face of oncoming traffic .
16 When the British Academy gives scholarships for methodological research and applications as well as for historical inquiries of a more familiar kind , when universities begin to make appointments in humanities computing or , dare I say it , even in history and computing , then , it seems to me , we will be in a better position to bemoan our inability to secure more in the way of government and private funding .
17 AGAIN related to a case reported only in the Daily Mail .
18 It is important to notice that the contrast lies primarily in the function of language which Halliday calls IDEATIONAL that is , the way in which language conveys and organizes the cognitive realities of experience , roughly corresponding to what we have earlier called " sense " : [ 12 ] The bushes twitched again .
19 Esther was also offered places at both universities , and chose Cambridge because it offered her a scholarship , and because her brother had been at King 's , and because she heard an owl hoot thrice in the college garden when she retired to her narrow bed after the glass of wine with Flora Piercy .
20 In comparison with literature , as Christine Gledhill has observed , the appeal of the cinema lies exactly in the offer of an escape from language into ‘ the pleasure of an achieved unity between subject and reality ’ .
21 It is advisable for the Claimant to obtain the report before leaving the airport , as airlines can dispute when the damage occurred i.e. in the airplane or after the Claimant had retrieved his baggage .
22 He stood back in the street , the rain stinging his eyes , wetting him to the skin , getting in his mouth and eyes ; warm rain , huge hard drops , slicking and sticking the clothes to his body ; erotic , making his heart beat faster in a sudden , squally sexual fantasy ; she would invite him in … no , better yet , she would turn up in the street , having been out , also wet to the skin , she would look at him … they would go in …
23 Thereafter , there will be a brief entertainment – coffee – and an opportunity to meet together in the Undercroft .
24 The complete freedom to work entirely in an individual way eludes most artists .
25 Thunder grumbled somewhere in the sky again and rain hissed at the windows .
26 This suggests that some change occurred specifically in the P3/NS cell line to activate transcription of the Oct-11 gene .
27 The memory of the heroism and sterling qualities of Rodrigo del Bivar have thus been enshrined for all time ; his statue stands today in the main square of Burgos , staring out forever across the lands he fought so long to transform .
28 On the British Army 's most wanted list for the last five years and you still have the nerve to sit here in the middle of Belfast . ’
29 Furthermore , if the originating process is served late , the court may allow the hearing or pre-trial review to proceed even in the defendant 's absence , or it may adjourn the hearing ( Ord 7 , r 16 ) .
30 A single pickup sits centrally in the body , with four poles set in a straight-across arrangement , unlike the later ‘ split ’ Precision pickup with its ‘ two poles per string ’ setup .
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